The Franciscan Life of Minority
"You call me
'Master' and 'Lord',
for so indeed I Am.
But if I, your Master and Lord, wash your feet...

You must wash one another's feet...Love one another as I have loved you...
No greater love than to lay down one's life..."
The Franciscan Life of Minority
From Chapter 1 of the Constitutions
17. In the doctrine of the Gospel, wholly pure, heavenly, supremely perfect and divine, brought to us from heaven by the most sweet Son of God, and promulgated and preached by Him in word and deed, approved and authenticated by His Heavenly Father in the river Jordan (cf. Mt. 3:17) and on Mount Tabor, when He declared that “This is My Beloved Son in Whom I Am well pleased; listen to Him.” (Mt. 17:5) alone teaches and points out the straight path of going to God. Hence, all men, especially all Christians who have professed the Gospel in Baptism, and much more we Friars, are obliged to observe this Holy Gospel. Saint Francis, therefore, in the beginning and end of his Rule, especially mentions the Gospel. In his Testament he also declares that it was revealed to him that he should live according to the manner of the Holy Gospel (cf. Testament 3). In order that the Friars may always keep the doctrine and life of Our Lord Jesus Christ before the eyes of their mind, and that like the saintly virgin Cecilia always bear the Holy Gospel in the interior of their hearts, it is ordained that in honor of the Most Blessed Trinity the four Evangelists be read three times a year, namely, one every month. (Norms I: 1)
18. Since the Rule of Saint Francis is like a little mirror in which evangelical perfection is reflected, it is ordained that every Friday in our Friaries, it is to be read distinctly at dinner, with due reverence and devotion, so that being impressed upon our minds, it may be the better observed. (Norms I: 2) Some other pious book shall also be read to the Friars, exhorting them to follow Christ Crucified (Norms I: 4).
19. In order that the love of God be enkindled in our hearts, the Friars shall always strive to speak of God, desiring that the evangelical doctrine should bear fruit in our hearts and that all chaff which might suffocate it be extirpated, it is ordained that in no wise shall books that are useless, or frivolous and dangerous to the spirit of Christ, Our Lord and God, be kept in our Friaries.
20. Since the flames of divine love proceed from the light of divine things, it is ordained that frequently the Friars study Holy Scripture, and reflect upon the writings of the Fathers of the Church as well as Saintly and devout doctors of theology. And though the infinite and Divine Wisdom be incomprehensible and elevated, still it has humbled itself in Christ, Our Savior, to such an extent, that by means of pure, simple and unaffected eyes of faith, even the simple can understand it. It is forbidden, however, that the Friars read or study anything irrelevant, heretical or frivolous. Let them read and study the Holy Scriptures, nay, Christ Jesus, in Whom, according to Saint Paul, are all treasures of the wisdom and knowledge (cf. Col. 2:3)
21. Because it was the desire, not only of our Seraphic Father, but of Christ, our Redeemer, that the Rule should be observed to the letter, with simplicity and without gloss (cf. Testament 9), as it was observed by our first Fathers, we renounce all privileges and explanations that relax it, detract from its pure observance and wrest it from the pious, just and holy intentions of Christ, Our Lord, Who spoke in Saint Francis. We accept only as a living and authentic commentary thereon, the declarations of the Supreme Pontiffs, and the most holy life, doctrine and example of our Seraphic Father himself, as well as the early Capuchin legislation and the example of the first Capuchins.
22. In order that we, as true and legitimate sons of Jesus Christ Our Father and Lord, begotten again by Him in Saint Francis, may have an abundant share in His inheritance it is ordained that all observe the Testament made by our Father Saint Francis. When near death, adorned with the sacred stigmata, full of fervor and the Holy Ghost, he most ardently desired our salvation and this we accept as the spiritual commentary and gloss of our Rule, because it was written by him to the end that we may in a more Catholic manner observe the Rule we have promised (Testament 7). We are sons of the Seraphic Father so far as we imitate his life and example, for our Savior said to the Pharisees: “If you are the children of Abraham, do the works of Abraham.” (Jn. 8:39) Hence, if we are sons of Saint Francis let us do the works of Saint Francis. Wherefore, it is ordained that everyone strive to imitate our Father who was given to us as rule, standard and example, nay, even Our Lord Jesus Christ in him, not only in his Rule and Testament, but also in his fervent words and holy deeds. For this reason they shall frequently read his life, the lives of his blessed companions and all the Saints of our Seraphic Order, especially those who fully embraced the pure and strict observance of the Rule. (Norms I: 4)
23. Our Father, being wholly Divine, contemplated God in every creature, especially in man, and more so in Christians, but above all in priests, and in a very singular manner in the Supreme Pontiff, who is the Vicar of Christ our Lord on earth and head of the whole Church militant. Therefore, we are faithful sons of the Holy Catholic Church and profess complete and unswerving loyalty to the Magisterium, the Holy Father the Pope, all Papal Teachings and our Local Ordinaries. In our Fraternity, there is absolutely no room for dissent from any Church teaching.
24. Saint Francis also wished, in accordance with the apostolic teaching, to be subject to the Divine Majesty in every creature, out of love for Him Who humbled Himself so much for love of us (cf. Phil. 2:8). Wherefore, he called them “Friars Minor” in order that they should, not only in their hearts deem themselves inferior to all, but that, being called in the Church to the marriage feast of the Most Holy Spouse Jesus Christ, they should always take the lowest place in accordance with His council and example. (cf. Lk. 14:7-11)
25. Considering to be free from subjection to the Ordinaries by privileges and exemptions is not only proximate to pride, but the enemy of the humble subjection of a Friar Minor, and because such liberty often disturbs peace and begets scandal in the Church of God, and in order to conform ourselves to our humble crucified Savior, Who came to serve us, becoming obedient, even unto the bitter death of the Cross (cf. Phil. 2:8), and not being subject to the law yet wished to subject Himself to it by paying the Temple-tax (cf. Mt. 17:24-27), and finally, to avoid scandal, the Franciscan Brothers Minor renounce any future privilege of being exempt from Ordinaries. By highest privilege we accept, with our Seraphic Father, to be subject to all. Furthermore, it is ordained, that all Ministers, each in their own province, go to their respective Ordinary who are humbly subject to the Supreme Pontiff, the head and superior of all. In their name and in the name of all the Friars let them renounce all contrary privileges and humbly offer obedience and reverence in all divine and canonical matters.
26. According to the desire of our Father, we exhort every Friar to treat all priests with due reverence (cf. Testament 2). We further exhort the Friars to obey with all possible reverence all Bishops especially those in whose diocese we live and work. The Friars shall daily offer prayers and supplications for our Benevolent Ordinary and his auxiliaries. They shall also obey the Supreme Pontiff, the Father of all Christians. The Friars shall be subject even to all human creatures that show us the way to God. Let them remember that the lower the person is whom we obey for the love of Jesus Christ, so much more glorious and pleasing is our obedience in the sight of God.
27. As a Public Association of the Faithful we are under direct obedience to our Benevolent Ordinary, who is the Bishop who has erected us as a Public Association of the Faithful and under whose jurisdiction our mother house is located. The Friars shall hold them in special prayer, never speaking ill of them, second guess his decisions nor tolerate or perpetuate any form of criticism. We shall always uphold their authority, dignity and place as a Prince of the Church appointed by the Vicar of Christ, as well as the Bishop’s appointed vicar to our community. We further ordain that the Friars be subject not only to their Minister General, Minister Provincial, and Guardians, but the Minister General, when elected, will humbly present himself or write to our Benevolent Ordinary by whom he must be confirmed
28. In order to maintain most high poverty, spiritual peace and undisturbed humility, the Friars shall do everything necessary to foster good relations with the diocesan clergy. We must show the greatest charity to our brother priests. The Friars are also to avoid anything that might in time leave a blemish on our Order. The Friars are to foster close relationships with other Franciscan Communities and especially our Capuchin brethren.
29. In cases of sexual misconduct the Minister General will refer the matter to our Benevolent Ordinary (or his representative). The Friars must observe all diocesan policies regarding the protection of minors.
30. And since to avoid similar privileges our Father St. Francis in his Testament commands his Friars that they shall not dare to ask letters from the Roman Court on account of bodily persecution (cf. Testament 6) the Franciscan Brothers Minor renounce all privileges that relax the Rule and, enverating the way of the Spirit, lay the foundations of a sensual life.