Capuchin Martyrs of Spain

26 New Capuchin Martyrs of Spain Beatified on November 21st 2015
Fr. Frederic of Berga (Martí Tarrés Puigpelat)
Fr. Modest of Mieres (Joan Bover Teixidó)
Fr. Zacaries of Llorenç del Penedés (Sebastiá Sonet Romeu)
Fr. Remigi of Papiol (Esteve Santacana Armengol)
Fr. Anselm of Olot (Laurentí Basil Matas)
Fr. Benigne of Canet de Mar (Miquel Sagré Fornaguera)
Fr. Josep of Calella de la Costa (Joan Vila Colomé)
Fr. Martí of Barcelona (Jaume Boguñá Casanova)
Fr. Rafael Maria of Mataró (Francesc de Paula Soteras Culla)
Fr. Agustí of Montclar de Donzell (Josep Alsina Casas)
Fr. Doroteu of Vilalba dels Arcs (Jordi Sampé Tarragó)
Fr. Alexandre of Barcelona (Jaume Nájera Gherna)
Fr. Tarsici of Miralcamp (Josep Vilalta Saumell)
Fr. Vincenç of Besalú (Julià Gebrat Marcé)
Fr. Timoteu of Palafrugell (Jesús Miquel Girbau)
Br. Miquel of Bianya (Pelai Ayats Vergés)
Br. Jordi of Santa Pau (Manuel Collellmir Senties)
Br. Bonaventura of Arroyo Cerezo (Tomás Díaz Díaz)
Br. Marçal of Penedès (Carles Canyes Santacana)
Br. Eudald of Igualada (Lluís Estruch Vives). The youngest at just eighteen years.
Br. Paciá Maria of Barcelona (Francesc Maria Colomer Presas)
Br. Ángel of Ferreries (Josep Coll Martí)
Br. Cebrià of Terrassa (Ramon Gros Ballvé)
Br. Eloi of Bianya (Joan Ayats Plantalech
Br. Prudenci of Pomar de Cinca (Gregori Charlez Ribera)
Br. Félix of Tortosa (Joan Bonavida Dellà)
Br. Remigi of Papiol was in Manila (Philippines), in the vicariate of Bluefields (Nicaragua) and in Costa Rica; and Br. Frederic of Berga was in Costa Rica.
Br. Modest composed a prayer that they recited together every day: “In this moment and certainly in the hour of death, if I should find myself in the right circumstance, with the help of the divine grace that I humbly trust you will grant me, I accept, O my God, willingly, in a way that is pleasing, humbly and with whole heart, the death that you wish to send to me. Whatever it should be, I unite my death to the most holy death of our Lord Jesus Christ, that in this moment is being renewed in the holy sacrifice of the Mass, and so united I offer my death to you, O my God, beseeching you humbly that you would condescend to accept it kindly, despite my wretchedness and misery, joined as it is to the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the remission of all my faults and sins, and of the faults and sins of all people.”