Courses for Franciscan Formation
The Porziuncola Project offers a series of Courses in Franciscan/Poor Clare Life that will help in the Formation of Friars, Poor Clare Nuns, Franciscan Sisters as well as members of the Secular Franciscans.
Some courses deal directly with Franciscan themes such as Franciscan History or the Life of Saint Francis. While other courses are designed to help build common knowledge of the Catholic Faith and devotion.
Some of these courses are actual classes taught in various settings. Other courses here are offered in the form of a series of homilies given on a particular theme. For example, there may be a "course" on the Spiritual Life that is primarily a series of homilies dealing with topics on the spiritual life. Although these courses were not given in a typical setting, they contain the content necessary to form a rich understanding of the subject.
These courses can be used as formation classes for either friars, nuns, sisters or lay Franciscans in the various stages of formation, or they can also be used for ongoing formation of professed members.
Some courses may be recommended to those discerning the life of a Franciscan of either branch or a Poor Clare nun.
There is further written information on the other pages of this website. We hope that you will find this information helpful for the growth of our Franciscan family.