Prayers and Devotions to Franciscan Saints
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

"Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God. Blessed are the merciful,
for they obtain mercy.

Prayer to Saint Francis Written by His Early Companions
Draw us to yourself most worthy father Francis, that we may run after your fragrance of holiness. As you know we are lukewarm because of our sloth, languid because of our idleness and half alive because of our negligence.
This little flock is following you with hesitant steps. Our weak eyes cannot bear the dazzling rays of your perfection. Renew our days as from the beginning, O' mirror and model of perfection. And do not allow us who are like you in our profession to be unlike you in our lives.
Holy father remember all your sons and daughters who surrounded by inextricable dangers, follow your footsteps, though from so great a distance. Fill us with joy that we may be happy.
Pray that the spirit of grace and of prayer be poured upon us. That we may have the true humility you had. That we may observe the poverty you observed. . That we may be filled with the charity of Christ crucified, Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reign world without end. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Clare of Assisi
O Seraphic Virgin Saint Clare,
because of your detachment from earthly things,
the love you had for God,
and the heroic patience with which you endured your human tribulations,
your life was truly a sublime spectacle:
Beautiful to the Angels,
whom you imitated in their contemplation and purity;
beautiful to men,
upon whom you bestowed all kinds of temporal and eternal favors;
and beautiful to the world,
which was confounded by you in its vices and errors.
From your exalted throne in glory,
where you now enjoy the merited reward for such virtues,
may it please you to strengthen us in our weakness,
that we may hasten with sure and determined steps
along the arduous pathways of Christian perfection.

Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua
O'Holy Saint Anthony, gentlest of saints,
your love for God and charity for his creatures
made you worthy, when on earth,
to possess miraculous powers,
miracles waited on your word,
which you were ever ready to speak
for those in trouble or anxiety,
encouraged by this thought I ask you to obtain for me...
(pause here to mention your petition)
The answer to my prayer may require a miracle,
even so, you are the saint of miracles.
O'Gentle and loving Saint Anthony,
whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet infant Jesus,
Who loved to be folded in your arms,
and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.
Saint Anthony of Padua,
pray for us.

Prayer to Saint Felix of Cantalice
O'Loving Saint Felix,
your innocent and joyful life was full of service to God
and to your brothers.
With faith we turn to you,
that through your prayers and merits
we may obtain from God
the grace to live our vocation with dignity,
with eyes always turned to that future glory
that awaits us in heaven and where you have preceded us.

Prayer to Colette of Corbie
O'Glorious Saint Colette, I beseech you,
through the burning love and ardent devotion
with which your heart was inflamed for Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament,
through the marvelous graces with which Our Lord has enriched you
by virtue of His Most Holy Body and Blood,
through the loving and sorrowful compassion
which you bore to His bitter passion,
obtain my request by your powerful intercession.
Saint Colette of Corbie,
pray for us.

A Prayer for the Intercession of Bl. Solanus Casey
Father, I adore You, I give myself to You.
May I be the person You want me to be
and may Your will be done in my life today.
Thank You for the gifts You gave to Blessed Solanus.
If it is Your will, glorify him on earth
so that others will carry on his love for the poor,
lonely and suffering of this world.
In order that others will joyfully accept Your divine plan,
I ask you to hear this prayer (add petition)
through Jesus Christ Our Lord.

A Prayer for the Intercession Saint Veronica Giuliani, Capuchin Poor Clare
O'Father of Love, Who in Saint Veronica,
who was conformed to Your Son,
You have given us a marvelous example of patience
and of ardent charity.
Give to us, through her powerful intercession,
to discover the sweetness found in the Cross
and the grace of confidence as we implore;
(here mention your intention)
Through Christ our Lord.
Saint Veronica Giuliani,
Pray for us.

A Prayer for the Intercession of Bl. Florida of Cevoli, Capuchin Poor Clare
Good Father
You raised Your Son from the dead,
and has given us peace,
grant that through the intercession of Blessed Florida,
Your daughter and the Spouse of Your Son
that we be given peace, love and unity to our family.
We ask You to answer our prayers through her powerful intercession,
(here mention your petition)
Through Christ our Lord.
Blessed Florida of Cevoli,
Pray for us.

A Prayer to Bl. Benedict of Urbino, Capuchin
O'Blessed Benedict, faithful disciple of Jesus,
we give praise to the Most Holy Trinity
for having given you the grace of perfection.
Before the glory of God, through Mary Most Holy,
all the angels and saints
intercede for us as we come to you
invoking the grace of your blessing for our families,
our children and, above all, for the sick.
Obtain for us freedom from all illness and every evil,
so that, we may live as true children of God
and, after a holy life, arrive at our heavenly homeland.

A Prayer to Saint Joseph of Leonessa, Capuchin
O'Saint Joseph, we give thanks to the Lord
for the gift that you have been to the Church.
You lived all the virtues proper to the Christian life.,
ardent love of God, heroic charity for your brothers and sisters,
angelic purity, apostolic zeal, and a bringer of peace.
We come to you because you have been given the grace
to help us from heaven:
We call upon you, we have need for the grace for the love of prayer,
of penance and of peace;
We have need to be comforted in our sufferings, our afflictions,
of help in this time of necessity.
Obtain for us the same desire for God that you had.
We have confidence in your intercession.

A Prayer to Blessed Nicholas of Gesturi
Blessed Nicholas, God has given you to us
as an example of prayer, humility and silence;
Open our hearts to the benefit of God's word.
Also, grant us docility to the actions of the Holy Spirit,
that we may carry Christ to our brothers and sisters
and serve God with holiness all the days of our lives.
Through Christ Our Lord.

A Prayer to Blessed Jeremiah of Wallachia, Capuchin
Blessed Jeremiah, you were concerned with the salvation of souls.
You loved Jesus and His Holy Mother with great love;
serving the poor and infirm with heroic charity.
Pour into our hearts the sentiments and dispositions of loving Jesus;
Save us from evil; come to meet our bodily and spiritual needs.
Blessed Jeremiah, pray for us.

A Prayer to Saint Margaret of Cortona, Third order Franciscan-Penitent
O' Holy Saint Margaret, you were so mercifully brought back
from the way of perdition to the path of salvation.
Intercede for those who are not ashamed
to follow the example of your errors,
that they may obtain the same mercy
you had received from the Lord.
May those trapped in lives of sin
imitate the sincerity of your repentance.
Through the same Christ Our Lord.

A Prayer for the Intercession of Vn. Mariano of Turin, Capuchin
Almighty and Merciful God,
I come to you with unending trust:
Glorify your servant Mariano,
and through his intercession
obtain for me the grace for which I now earnestly ask
while looking with love on all those
who turn to you with a sincere heart.