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Knights of Columbus Men's Retreat

Conference 1: Priest Crisis
K of C Conference 1: Priest Crisis
In this conference Fr David Mary discusses the present Priest Crisis and the beauty of the priesthood of Jesus Christ.
K of C Homily 1: Saint Joseph
In this homily on the Solemnity of St. Joseph Fr David Mary explains the glory of the man closest to God.
Homily 1: Saint Joseph
K of C Conference 2: Adopted Sons
Conference 2: Adopted Sons
In this second conference Fr David Mary discusses the grace of adoption and our place as sons of God.
K of C Homily 2: The Four Las Things
Homily 2: Four Last Things
In this homily Fr David Mary preaches on Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell. He guides us to choose heaven.
Conference 3: The Most Holy Eucharist
Conference 3: The Eucharist
Fr. David Mary reflects upon the the Holy Eucharist. He explains why Jesus gave Himself to us in Holy Communion
Conference 4: The Blessed Virgin Mar
Conference 4: Holy Mary
Fr. David Mary speaks about the Blessed Virgin Mary and her importance in our life.
K of C Conference 5: As W Forgive
Conference 5: As We Forgive
In this conference Fr David Mary reviews the Lord's call to love our enemies and asks: "How do we know that we have forgiven." He turns to the Catachism for answers.
K of C Conference 6: The Spiritual Life
In this final conference Fr. David Mary explains the spiritual life and how to grow as a son adopted by God.
Conference 6: Spiritual Life
K of C Homily: What willyou do about it?
Homily: What will you do?
In the closing homily of this men's retreat Fr David Mary askes us the hard question of: What are we going to do with all that God has given us?
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