Lent: Making the Most of It
"Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God."

"You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve"
Direction for How to Make Advent and/or Lenten Resolutions
1. Review the first seven of the Beatitudes and consider which of these would you like to grow in this Advent/Lent.
2. Review the 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit and consider which of these you will need to mature in in order to reach the desired Beatitude.
3. Choose one of the 7 Virtues that will help you mature in the Fruit of the Holy Spirit so that you might reach the desired Beatitude.
4. Consider the 7 Deadly Sins, choose the sin that is stopping your growth in the chosen Virtue and not allowing you to mature in the chosen Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
5. Examine the Corporal Works of Mercy and choose the work that will allow you to practice the chosen Virtue, mature in the chosen Fruit and decrease the Vice that is stunting your growth in the chosen Beatitude.
6. Examine the Spiritual Works of Mercy and choose the work that will allow you to practice the chosen Virtue, mature in the chosen Fruit and decrease the Vice that is stunting your growth in the chosen Beatitude.
7. Choose a person(s) for whom you would like to offer your penance(s).
8. Choose a penance that you will offer for:
-To reach your chosen Beatitude.
-To Mature in the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
-To grow in the chosen Virtue.
-To decrease in the impeding Vice.
-The person(s) for whom you you have chosen to pray for.
9. Compose a prayer to say three times a day throughout the season of Advent/Lent. It should include:
-The desire to grow in the chosen Beatitude.
-The grace to mature in chosen the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
-The grace to live more fully the chosen Virtue.
-The grace to eliminate the chosen Deadly Sin.
-The promise to practice the chosen Corporal and Spiritual Work of
-The promise to offer the chosen penance for the person(s).
10. Write your prayer on an index card so that you can carry it easily and pull it out throughout the day. Here is an example of how to write the prayer card:
Lord Jesus, I resolve to reach the Beatitude of Meekness.
Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer You my penances
of daily praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet with arms
outstretched this Lent for Joe Smith and to decrease in
the sin of Wrath. O'Grant me the grace to mature in the Fruit
of gentleness and Charity as I Visit the Sick and
Pray for the Dead. At the end of this Lent may I truly be
ready to celebrate the Resurrection. I offer all this through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
"So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect"
Fr David Mary Teaches a Class on "Penance: An Act of Love"