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Fr. David Mary
Parish Mission Preaching
"And preach as you go saying; 'The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand'...
Take no gold or silver for the journey..freely you have received, freely give"

About Parish Missions
Fr. David Mary is a popular preacher of Parish Missions.
Most Parish Missions begin by Fr. David Mary preaching at all the Weekend Masses in order to promote the Mission.
Parish Missions can range from two to four days. Normally, there are conferences Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings.
During the Parish Mission, Fr. David Mary is also open to having special confession times, Conformation and/or Youth Retreat Talks, and any other specific requests from the parish.
Parish Missions can be tailor made to fit any Parish situation and on the Parishes Requested Topics.
Parish Mission: "The Divine Adoption"
The Divine Adoption
"The Divine Adoption"

"Forgiveness: As We Forgive"

"The Most Holy Eucharist"

Intro to Parish Mission
Fr. David Mary Preaches at the Sunday Mass and Introduces the themes of the Parish Mission
Parish Mission on Divine Mercy
Parish Mission: "The Divine Mercy"
"Mercy: the Source of Joy"

"Believing in the Mercy of God"

"Be Merciful as your Heavenly Father is Merciful"

Parish Mission: "Faith"
"The Gift of Faith"

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