Prayers to Saint Joseph
"Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife."

"Joseph did as the angel of the Lord had directed him."
Fr David Mary
delivers a
powerful homily
on St Joseph
and his
special relationship
to Jesus and Mary
He explains why
Saint Joseph
can be called
"The Man
Closest to God."
Prayer to Blessed Joseph
O'Blessed Joseph, keep us in mind.
Help us with your prayers.
Plead our cause before Him
Who was reputed to be your Son of your Son.
Move also in our behalf,
your most blessed virgin bride,
the Mother of Him
Who lives and reigns
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
One God forever and ever.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for Chastity
Saint Joseph, father and guardian of virgins,
to whose faithful keeping Christ Jesus, innocence itself,
and Mary, the Virgin of Virgins was entrusted,
I pray and beseech you,
through that twofold and most precious charge,
by Jesus and Mary,
to save me from all uncleaness,
to keep my mind untainted,
my heart pure, and my body chaste;
and help me always to serve Jesus and Mary
in perfect chastity.
Memorare to Blessed Joseph
Remember O'Most pure Saint Joseph, my beloved patron,
that never was it known that anyone invoked your patronage
and sought your aid without being comforted.
Inspired by this confidence, I come to you
and fervently commend myself to you.
O'despise not my petition,
dear foster father of the Reedemer,
but accept it graciously.
Novena Prayer to Saint Joseph
To you O'Blessed Joseph we have recourse in our affliction.
By the charity which bound you
to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God,
and the fatherly love with which you embraced the child Jesus,
look down we beseech you,
with gracious eye on the precious inheritance
which Jesus Christ purchased with His blood,
and help us in our necessities by your powerful aid.
Protect, O'most watchful guardian of the Holy Family,
the elect children of Jesus Christ;
ward off from us, O'most loving father,
all blight of error and curruption;
and, even as of old you rescued the child Jesus
from the greatest peril of His life,
so now defend God's Holy Church from the snares of the enemy
and from all adversity.
Shield also each one of us by your constant protection
so that supported by your example and aid,
we may live a holy life, die a happy death,
and attain everlasting life in heaven.
Litany of Saint Joseph
Lord have Mercy,
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy.
Holy Trinity One God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary,
Pray for us.
Saint Joseph...Pray for us.
Noble son of the House of David...
Light of the Patriarchs...
Husband of the Mother of God...
Guardian of the Virgin...
Foster Father of the Son of God...
Head of the Holy Family...
Joseph Most Chaste...
Joseph Most Just...
Joseph Most Prudent...
Joseph Most Brave...
Joseph Most Obedient...
Joseph Most Loyal...
Pattern of Patience...
Lover of Poverty...
Model of Workers...
Example to Parents...
Guardian of Virgins...
Pillar of Family Life...
Comforter of the Troubled...
Hope of the Sick...
Consolation of the Poor...
Patron of the Dying...
Terror of evil spirits...
Patron of Religious Brothers...
Protector of the Church...
Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world,
Spare us O'Lord.
Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us O'Lord.
Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God made him the master of His household,
And put him in charge of all His possessions.
Let us pray,
Almighty God, in your infinite wisdom and love
you chose Joseph to be the husband of Mary, the Mother of Your Son.
As we enjoy his protection on earth,
may we have the help of his prayers in heaven.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for a Husband and Father
O' Saint Joseph, faithful and chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary.
Guardian of the Holy Family.
You were completely given to God's holy will.
Pray for me, that I will respond with generosity to my vocation
as a husband and father.
Pray that I will imitate your quiet strength,
your diligence in work, your devoted love of the family.
Most of all, St. Joseph,
I ask that when I see my wife and children
that I will see, reflected in their hearts,
the image of Jesus Christ, the grace of God in your home.