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The Franciscan Life of Preaching and Ministry

Praised Be Jesus Christ!

Parish Missions

Parish Missions

For well over twenty five years, Fr. David Mary has been a popular preacher of parish missions. He has preached well over a couple of hundred missions throughout the United States. His preaching in engaging, funny, filled with examples and deep thoughts. Many have related how through the preaching of Fr. David Mary they returned to the faith or have grown in their spiritual lives. 

A parish mission is an opportunity for the average parishoner to make a retreat. It is their time to take time out of their busy schedule and reflect upon the wonderful love of God for them. It is a time of healing and a time of mercy for those who have suffered from so many hurts. Others find it a time of spiritual renewal and growth. While still other take the opportunity to invite friends and family members who have been away from the Church for a long time to re-introduce them to the faith. In this way the Parish Mission can be part of the New Evangelization.

P.M. Program

Parish Missions Program

 Every Parish is different and so each parish will have a program that is unique to itself. Some parishes like a two day, some a three day and others still a four day mission. Fr. David Mary is willing to meet the needs of your parish.

Fr. David Mary like to have the choir there at the mission each night to sing and lead the community in song. Some parishes like to do the Mission in the context of Vespers, others with a Mass each night. Some will just have Fr. David Mary do a reading and then preach. In whichever way you choose to conduct the mission, it is good to have the parish choir to lead in song.

Most parishes have various ministries such as; Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Alter Servers, Religious Education Teachers, School Teachers and Administration, Parish Staff  and so on. Many times parishes have groups like the Knights of Columbus or Holy Name Society. There are also other groups like the Third Order Franciscans or Holy Rosary Society. Fr. David Mary is accustomed to ask the parish coordinators to speak to the heads of each of these groups and to see to it that each are invited and encouraged to attend. It is very helpful if they do not schedule anything on the nights of the mission and they themselves are part of it, as they are part of the parish.

Fr. David Mary's preaching appeals to all ages. The mission is for everyone of the parish, old young and middle age.  It is recommended that the parish invite the youth group and the middle schoolers. Many youth who have attended Fr. David Mary's missions have found them engaging and life changing. 

Introducing catechumens to the Catholic Faith is a tremendous work of the parish. Those working in the R.C.I.A. process are to be commended. Fr. David Mary invites the parish to bring those preparing to enter the faith to come to the mission with the R.C.I.A. staff and their sponsors. He also invites the confirmation kids, their parents and their sponsors.

Many parishes advertise through the announcements at Mass, others through flyers and some do both and add on these personal invites to the various groups of the parish. It is Fr. David Mary's experience that when people are personally invited, they come!

We would also highly recommend having socials after each of the nights of the mission. Many people want to talk about their experience and find some fraternity within the parish. It is a wonderful opportunity to get to know the parishoners along their spiritual journey. Some parishes can't have a social every night and so they opt to do a social after the last night of the mission.

P.M. Schedule

Parish Mission: Schedule

As we said earlier, the program depends upon the needs of the parish. Fr. David Mary will adjust to the requests of the parish. Here are some routine prrish mission requests:

1. Sunday Mass Preaching:

Before the start of the mission, the weekend before, it is common for Fr. David Mary to preach the homily at all the Sunday Masses. This gives the parish the opportunity to hear and experience his preaching. It also gives Fr. David Mary an opportunity to meet the parish and to personally invite them to the mission as he give it an introduction.

2. Evening Talks:

Some parishes like to have Mass each night, others Vespers and still some just straight preaching. This will depend upon the pastor and what he wants to do. Some parishes like to start on Sunday Night, still others Monday. The time, days and manner of the evenings is at the direction of the pastor.

3. The Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession/Penance

Normally, the second night of the mission is Mercy Night. It is important to invite many priests to this night. Having them ready and set in areas around the Church for the Sacrament is crucial to a successful mission. It does happen that many parishoners want to go to the mission preacher, someone who doesn't know them. Fr. David Mary likes to schedule various confession times throughout the week so that parishoners may more opportunity for a confession.  Those time slots would be at the parish's most opportune times for when people would be available to come outside of the evening talks.

4. Speaking to Groups:

It is not uncommon for mission preachers to speak to particular groups in the parish. Outside of the evening preaching, it does occur where Fr. David Mary is asked to speak to the Knights of Columbus or the Rosary Altar Society, or the like. Sometimes he is asked to speak to the Youth Group, R.C.I.A. and even visit the parish school during the day. Other times he is asked to celebrate the morning parish school Mass as part of the mission.

5. Topics: 

Fr. David Mary is more than willing to preach on the topics of your choice. He is adaptable to the spiritual needs of the parish. He does have a series of talks he likes to preach on when he is going to a parish for the first time,but again, it is up to the parish.

Youth Retreats

Youth Retreats

Fr. David Mary has been preaching to teens since 1989. He worked at Capuchin Youth and Family Ministries, he has been at the foundation times of Youth 2000 National, Youth 2000 New York and Youth 2000 New England. He has been a keynote speaker at various youth events around the country. High Schools, Junior High and Youth Groups are Fr. David Mary's specialty. 

Fr. David Mary preaches to the youth with what he calls the "Incarnational Approach". By this he means; as Jesus came down to us in order to raise us up, so we must meet the youth where they are at and raise them up to something greater; their dignity in Christ. 

Fr. David Mary doesn't believe in watering down the faith. Nor does he believe that we should ram it down their throats. He has often explained his approach in this way:

"If you try to make a person eat a medicine they don't want they will throw it up and the medicine will be useless to them. If you water the medicine down, they will eat it but it will be ineffective. However, if you mix the medicine with just the right amount of honey, not only will the medicine will work, but they will enjoy the taste. The truth must be preached with love!"

Fr. David Mary is funny, engaging and deep. It is his mission to bring the young people to a deep knowledge of God's amazing love for them as persons. He preaches to them about their dignity that can only be found in the death of Christ; "Loved by God onto death!"

Youth Retreats: Program

Youth Retreats: Program

Every youth group is unique and different. Youth come from all different cultural and social-economic back grounds. No matter the differences they all have one basic need; To Love and to be loved. That love is found in the discovery of the depth of unconditional love that God has for them and that He has expressed in the death and resurrection of His Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is the heart of every youth ministry program. To assist our young people to "come to the knowledge of truth". 

Fr. David Mary is adaptable to the needs of each youth speaking request. He is available for a one evening talk, a retreat day or a weekend retreat. Most of the games, icebreakers, food and recreation he leaves to the youth coordinators. Fr. David Mary is more than willing to jump in and play, but the youth ministers know their kids best and what they like to do and eat.

When it is a one day,two day or three day event Fr. David Mary likes to celebrate the Mass with the youth each day. Also, when time allows, he enjoys leading them in Eucharistic adoration and a Eucharistic healing procession. He finds it helpful if there are professional or semi professional Catholic music group available for the retreat with whom he can coordinate the retreat.

Here are a list of talks that Fr. David Mary likes to present on:

Is there a God?

Who and What is the Most Holy Trinity?

Jesus: liar, Lunatic or Lord?

The Crucifixion of Jesus: Loved by God Onto Death! 

Live you Life on Fire!


Conversion: Giving Your Life Over to God

Discerning Your Vocation

Other topics are welcomed and you'll find Fr. David Mary to be quite easy to work with. Topics, time of retreat and themes are all at the request of the youth group.

Youth Retreats: Schedule

The schedule of a retreat will depend upon the amount of time given for the retreat. It will also depend upon the location. A parish setting retreat will differ greatly from a retreat at a retreat center.

The best thing to do is to contact Fr. David Mary and discuss the location, ideas,  themes, time frame and amount of youth.

One Day Retreat Example:

8:30 am Breakefast and gathering

9:00a m Introduction and Welcome (Ice breakers, Music, ect.)

9:30 am Conference 1: Is there a God? The Trinity

10:15 am Small Group Discussions

10:45 am Break with snacks

11:15 am: Conference 2: Jesus: Liar, Lunatic of Lord?

11:45 am Small Group

12:15 pm Lunch followed by Free Time

1:00 pm: Organized Activity/Music

1:45 pm: Break with snacks

2:00 pm Conference 3: The Crucifixion of Jesus

3:00 pm: Silent time to reflect and pray quietly

3:45 pm: Break with snacks

4:15 pm: Holy Mass; Homily: Be on Fire for Christ!

5: 15 pm: Clean up and departure

Youth Retreats: Schedule
Confirmation Retreats

Confirmation Retreats

Over the past three decades, Fr. David Mary has preached thousands of Confirmation Retreats across the country. He has returned multiple times to parishes as a well sought after speaker to youth, especially those about to make their Confirmation.

David Mary's specialty. 

Fr. David Mary preaches to the youth with what he calls the "Incarnational Approach". By this he means; as Jesus came down to us in order to raise us up, so we must meet the youth where they are at and raise them up to something greater; their dignity in Christ. 

Fr. David Mary doesn't believe in watering down the faith. Nor does he believe that we should ram it down their throats. He has often explained his approach in this way:

"If you try to make a person eat a medicine they don't want they will throw it up and the medicine will be useless to them. If you water the medicine down, they will eat it but it will be ineffective. However, if you mix the medicine with just the right amount of honey, not only will the medicine will work, but they will enjoy the taste. The truth must be preached with love!"

Fr. David Mary is funny, engaging and deep. It is his mission to bring the young people to a deep knowledge of God's amazing love for them as persons. He preaches to them about their dignity that can only be found in the death of Christ; "Loved by God onto death!"

Confirmation Retreat Schedule

Confirmation Retreats: Schedule

The schedule of a Confirmation retreat will depend upon the amount of time given for the retreat. It will also depend upon the location. A parish setting Confirmation retreat will differ greatly from a Confirmation retreat at a retreat center.

The best thing to do is to contact Fr. David Mary and discuss the location, ideas,  themes, time frame and amount of students.

Confirmation Retreat Day

Example Schedule:

8:30 am Breakefast and gathering

9:00a m Introduction and Welcome (Ice breakers, Music, ect.)

9:30 am Conference 1: Is there a God? The Trinity

10:15 am Small Group Discussions

10:45 am Break with snacks

11:15 am: Conference 2: Jesus: Liar, Lunatic of Lord?

11:45 am Small Group

12:15 pm Lunch followed by Free Time

1:00 pm: Organized Activity/Music

1:45 pm: Break with snacks

2:00 pm Conference 3: The Crucifixion of Jesus

3:00 pm: Silent time to reflect and pray quietly

3:45 pm: Break with snacks

4:15 pm: Holy Mass; Homily: Be on Fire for Christ!

5: 15 pm: Clean up and departure

Conference Speaker

Conference Speaker

Over these many years Fr. David Mary has been a keynote speaker at many and various events. He has also been a presenter at many other events on various topics. He is direct, entertaining, engaging and a solid presenter of our Catholic Faith. He preaches the truth with love...and he doesn't mince words! Fr. David Mary has kindled the faith in many souls and has rallied people to live their faith with enthusiasm and joy. He knows how to set a crowd on fire with love for Christ and His Church.


Fr. David Mary has spoken at:

Pro-Life Events and Banquets

Defense of Freedom Rallies

Pro-Marriage Rallies

Baltimore Catholic Family Conference

Rekindle the Fire Men's Conference

Diocese of Worcester Men's Conference

and more...

Check out some of his preaching by clicking on the button below...

Parish Help Outs

Parish Help Outs and Retreat House Assistance

Fr. David Mary is available to give assistance to the local parishes in his area. By being available, he gives greater relief to the local pastors who may be on vacation, needing a day off or may be sick. This is part of the Franciscan Charism. Saint Bonaventure once described the Friars as: "The men in the other boat who help the apostles bring in the large catch of fish."

When not engaged in other preaching ministries, Fr. David Mary is available to the Christ Prince of Peace Retreat House in Benton, Tn. He is available for Retreat Masses, Retreat Confessions and Retreat Conferences.

Fr. David Mary will also see people for life confessions and spiritual direction. 

Franciscan Preaching and the Apostolate

Franciscan Preaching and the Apostolate

From Chapter 9 of the Constitutions

Preachers and the Apostolate

205. Preaching the word of God, after the example of Christ, the Master of life, is one of the most honorable, useful, exalted, and divine duties in the Church of God, on the fulfillment of which the salvation of mankind largely depends. We therefore ordain that no Friar shall preach unless he has been examined and approved, as the Rule desires (cf. R.B. 12), by the Minister General. (Norm IX: 1a) The permission of preaching shall be conferred on those who evidently live a holy and exemplary life, of clear and mature judgment, of strong and ardent will, because knowledge and eloquence without charity tend in no way to be edification, but often to destruction.

206. In addition it is ordained that the preachers refrain from introducing into their sermon trifles, foolish stories, useless questions, curious and far-fetched opinions and speculative theology, but after the example of the Apostle Saint Paul, let them preach Christ crucified (cf. 1 Cor. 18:23), in Whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge of God. This is the Divine Wisdom that Saint Paul preached to perfection after he had become a Christian; for as a Hebrew youth, he thought as a child, and understood as a child, and spoke as a child, of the shadows and types of the Old Testament (cf. 1Cor. 13:11). Let the preachers, besides quoting the Holy Doctors, Magisterial Documents and the Saints, chiefly cite Christ, Whose authority carries more weight than that of all other persons and reasons in the world.

207. The preachers shall preach boldly with plain, pure, simple and humble language. It shall be with all holy, full of charity and aflame with zeal, after the example of Saint Paul, the vessel of Election, who preached, not with loftiness of speech and human eloquence, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. The preachers therefore, are exhorted to do their utmost to imprint the blessed Jesus on their hearts and give Him peaceable possession of their souls, so that it may be He Who moves them to speak from the fullness of love, not merely by word but much more by deeds, after the example of Saint Paul, the Doctor of the Gentiles, who did not dare to preach anything to others until Christ had enabled him first to practice it. So, also, did Jesus, our most perfect Master teach us not only by words, but by deeds (cf. Mt. 7:21-23). They are great in the Kingdom of heaven who first do, and then teach and preach to others.

208. Let the Friar preacher guard against every kind of avarice, so that preaching Jesus Christ freely and sincerely, they may gather fruit in greater abundance. When they preach, let them not beg either for themselves or for their brethren; so that, according to the teaching of the Apostle, all may know they seek not their own interests, but those of Jesus Christ (Norms IX: 2).

209. In order that the sacred office of preaching, so precious and most pleasing to Christ, our God, Who has proved it by preaching the most salutary evangelical doctrine with so much ardor of divine charity for the welfare of our souls; in order also the better to impress on the hearts of preachers the norm and method they are to follow in the worthy exercise of preaching Christ Crucified and the Kingdom of heaven, in effectively procuring the conversion and the spiritual welfare of the faithful, by reproducing, as it were, and implanting Christ in their souls, we counsel and command them to use the Sacred Scriptures, especially the New Testament and in particular the Gospels, so that being evangelical preachers, we may fashion an evangelical people.

210. Let them refrain from profane and useless questions and opinions, or such theories and subtleties as few understand. But after the example of the most holy precursor, John the Baptist (cf. Mt. 3:1), the most holy Apostles (cf. Acts 2:38) and other Saintly preachers aflame with divine love, may after the example of our most sweet Savior Himself. Let them preach: “Do penance for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mt. 4:17). As our Seraphic Father exhorts us in the Rule (cf. R.B. 12), let them discourse of vices and virtues, of punishment and glory, in few words, not desiring or seeking anything but the glory of God and the salvation of souls redeemed by the most precious blood of the spotless Lamb, Christ Jesus.

211. Let their discourse be well considered and so discreet as not to point to any particular person, because, as the glorious Saint Jerome says, a general discourse will offend no one. Let them indeed denounce every vice, but glorify the image of the creator in the creature. And as our Seraphic Father exhorts us in his Testament (cf. Testament 25) let them endeavor to respect, love and honor all priests, bishops, cardinals, and above all the Holy and Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ on earth, the Supreme Head, Father and Shepherd of all Christians and of the entire Church Militant. Let all the Friars bear in mind the admonition left by our Seraphic Father in his Testament, that all theologians and those who minister to us the Most Holy and Divine Word, we must honor and revere as those who minister to us spirit and life. (cf. Testament 2)

212. While preaching to others, should they feel the spirit weakening, let them return to solitude, and there let them remain, till once again, full of God, the impulse of the Holy Spirit may move them to go forth to spread divine grace over the world. Thus engaged, now like Martha, now like Mary, they shall follow Christ in His mixed life, Who, after praying on the mountain, went down to the temple to preach, nay, descended from Heaven to earth to save souls (cf. Lk. 10:38-42, Mt. 17:1-8, Jn. 3:16).

213. When out on preaching missions the preachers are to refrain from receiving food associated with the wealthy or dainty food. Let them guard against all avarice, so that preaching Jesus Christ freely and sincerely, they may gather fruit in greater abundance.

214. Preachers are not to carry many books with them so that they may find all things in Christ. Let them draw from Christ, the Book of Life.

215. The preachers should especially preach both Lenten and Advent missions. Let them follow the example of Christ, mirror of all perfection, who passed through Judea, Samaria and Galilee, preaching in cities and villages, at times speaking to only one, as in the case of the Samaritan woman. (cf. Jn. 4)

216. The apostolate of the Friars is by no means constrained to preaching. Our apostolate is evangelization in any form that is in keeping with our Rule and Constitutions.

217. Good and holy preaching will always lead to many pious and powerful conversions. Our Capuchin history is rich with the example of some of the most holy confessors in the history of the Church. The example of St. Leopold and St. Pio should be an example and model for all our Friar Priests. The Confessors of our Order are to be men most prudent in judgment. They shall guard against being too hard on a soul so as to crush the bruised reed and they shall take care not to be too lenient lest they confirm someone in their sins. The confessors are to avoid every danger of mental distraction, and remain composed and recollected in Christ so that without any obstacle they may walk more securely on their road to their heavenly home and bring as many souls as possible with them.

218. Our apostolic efforts take on many forms and every work is subservient to our life of prayer, penance, poverty, minority, and fraternity and always under the gift of Obedience. At the same time our retreats, pro-life apostolate, service to the poor, Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy, sacramental ministry and, particularly, youth evangelization are always to be impregnated with the promoting and defending of true devotion to Mary. For this reason, through the generosity of our benefactors, the Friars shall always make available and disseminate, Rosaries, Scapulars, Miraculous Medals and Marian publications. Each Friar, during formation and the years following, they shall make a careful study of all Marian doctrines in such a way as to be true specialists in Mariology. They shall also be mindful of promoting devotion to her most chaste spouse St. Joseph.

219. In keeping with holy poverty, to maintain our freedom as Mendicants and to retain our status as Brothers Minor, we renounce the honors of diocesan positions.

220. We do not run our own parishes, schools, shrines, retreat centers, or any other center for apostolic works. The Friars are encouraged to give their assistance to already existing programs, especially in ministries that serve the poor (Norms IX: 2).

221. In order that, while ministering to others, the Friars may not become castaways, they shall sometimes leave the multitude, and, with our most sweet Savior ascend the mountain of prayer and contemplation (cf. Lk. 16:12). There let them endeavor to become inflamed as the Seraphim, with divine love, so that, all aflame themselves, they may enkindle others.

222. The Friars shall not take on, accept or engage in any apostolate, no matter how noble, without the grace of obedience. The Friars shall humbly submit all requests and proposals to their Guardian who shall gladly hear and answer them according to our way of life. No apostolate that perpetually interrupts the life of the Friars shall be accepted. At the same time the Guardians shall assess the needs of their surrounding regions and make all efforts to address them according to our abilities.

223. The “work” of universal salvation, to which we are bound by the Marian Vow, is not always or necessarily apostolic in nature. For some Friars the Franciscan call is to the traditional Religious Brother life. The Religious Brother consecrates himself and lives in humble service to the community as cook, sacristan, questor or porter. Indeed, our Capuchin tradition is rich with Saints who nobly bore this vocation. Religious Brothers participate in the universal salvation of souls in a unique way. They give the greatest service to the community and witness to the silent life of Our Lady at Nazareth. They are “mothers” of the community and make all other apostolic work possible. Finally, let us never forget how Saint Francis revealed to us that the grace of conversion, given through the preaching Friars, is obtained from the Religious Brother’s prayers and penances.

224. The Religious Brother should always turn his attention to St. Joseph who was given to Our Lady and served the Son of God with paternal care. His example of humble service, chaste love and total self-gift, should give the Religious Brother the witness of their own consecrated life.

225. As we work for the Glory of God, the honor of the Immaculate and the salvation of souls, let us not become proud by our accomplishments. Instead we should frequently call to mind the words of our Seraphic Father: “We can be sure that a man is a true religious and has the spirit of God if his lower nature does not give way to pride when God accomplishes some good through him, and if he seems all the more worthless and inferior to others in his own eyes. Our lower nature is opposed to every good”. (Admonitions 12)

226. Since Friars who are detached from this world find it sweet, just and charitable to die for love of Him Who died for us on the Cross, we ordain that during times of serious crisis the Friars shall serve the afflicted according to the regulations of their Ministers and Guardians. The Ministers and Guardians, however shall always have the eye of prudent charity open to such occasions.

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