Saint Colette of Corbie: A Daughter of St. Clare

The Life of Saint Colette of Corbie
The Fifteenth Century: St. Colette of Corbie was the child of her parents old age. Dying while she was yet still an adolescent, St. Colette was left to the care of the Abbot of the local monastery. Early on in her life she attempted joining both a Benedictine and a Poor Clare Order. Disenchanted by their lack of observance she left and lived with a group of celibate women. Eventually she became and Anchoress and lived a holy life of prayer, austerity and contemplation.
During this time Saint Francis and Saint Clare appeared to her and taught her the history of the Franciscan and Poor Clare Orders. She was given deep knowledge of their life and their charisms.
Saint Francis revealed to her that she was to bring reform to the entire Franciscan and Poor Clare Orders. Refusing, she was struck blind for three days until she consented.
With the help of a Franciscan Fr. Henri de La Baume, St. Colette received permission to leave her anchor hold. Later she would petition the pope and receive the authority to found reform monasteries of the Poor Clares and bring a renewal of life to the Friars Minor.
St. Colette brought her reform to France, Belgium and Flanders. In later years these Franciscan Friars and the Poor Clare Monasteries she founded would be known by the nickname "The Colettines".
St. Colette wrote a commentary on St. Clare's Rule which became the Constitutions of this branch of the Poor Clare Order. Today these same Constitutions serve as the foundation for the present set of Colettine Poor Clare Constitutions.
Throughout the ravages of the post-Second Vatican Council's misinterpretations and destruction of religious life the "Poor Clare Colettines " (P.C.C.) continue to remain as faithful as ever to St. Clare and the reform of St. Colette. The Order has it's own federation continues to receive vocations and open new monasteries.
Prayer to Saint Colette of Corbie
Prayer to Colette of Corbie
O'Glorious Saint Colette, I beseech you,
through the burning love and ardent devotion
with which your heart was inflamed for Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament,
through the marvelous graces with which Our Lord has enriched you
by virtue of His Most Holy Body and Blood,
through the loving and sorrowful compassion
which you bore to His bitter passion,
obtain my request by your powerful intercession.
Saint Colette of Corbie,
pray for us.
Litany of Saint Colette of Corbie
Litany of Saint Colette of Corbie
Saint Colette, Daughter of Saint Clare, Pray for us.
St. Colette, Healer of a hurt ideal...
St. Colette, Restorer of a forgotten goal...
St. Colette, Mender of a broken dream...
St. Colette, Radiant with love...
St. Colette, Eager to serve...
St. Colette, Understanding of heart...
St. Colette, Woman of prayer...
St. Colette, gathered in God...
St. Colette, Worshiping in the inner temple...
St. Colette, Of highest caliber obedience...
St. Colette, beautiful on surrender...
St. Colette, Graceful in giving...
St. Colette, Enlightening many...
St. Colette, Illuminating the darkness...
St. Colette, Candle of Fidelity...
St. Colette, Humble of heart...
St. Colette, Meek of Manner...
St. Colette, Gentle in speech...
St. Colette, Pillar of faith...
St. Colette, Waterfall of hope...
St. Colette, Flowering vine of trust...
St. Colette, Martyr of the heart...
St. Colette, Comely with Virtue...
St. Colette, Adorned with bridal fidelity...
St. Colette, Faithful and strong...
St. Colette, chaste flame of love...
St. Colette, daughter of the Church...
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy, Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.