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The Life and Spirituality
Saint Francis of Assisi
"This is the Life of the Friars Minor, namely, to live the Holy Gospel

of Our Lord Jesus Christ"

A Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi by His Early Companions
Draw us to yourself most worthy father Francis, that we may run after your fragrance of holiness. As you know we are lukewarm because of our sloth, languid because of our idleness and half alive because of our negligence.
This little flock is following you with hesitant steps. Our weak eyes cannot bear the dazzling rays of your perfection. Renew our days as from the beginning, O' mirror and model of perfection. And do not allow us who are like you in our profession to be unlike you in our lives.
Holy father remember all your sons and daughters who surrounded by inextricable dangers, follow your footsteps, though from so great a distance. Fill us with joy that we may be happy.
Pray that the spirit of grace and of prayer be poured upon us. That we may have the true humility you had. That we may observe the poverty you observed. . That we may be filled with the charity of Christ crucified, Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reign world without end. Amen.
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