The Sorrow of Sin and the Joy of God's Mercy
Let us give thanks to the Lord,
For His mercy endures forever.

For the sake of His sorrowful passion, Have mercy on us and on the whole world.
The God of Mercy
Before exploring the evil of sin and its damaging affect on our relationship with God, its offense against Him, the damage it does to our neighbor and ourselves, it is important to first remember the words of Saint John the Beloved Disciple who said: "God is Love." When we speak of God being "Love" we mean more than "He is loving". When we speak of God loving us, we speak of God being "In Love" with us. God created us in love, out of love and for love. His ultimate desire is that each and every one of us comes to know and experience His love and enjoy it forever in the glorious Kingdom of Heaven. God does want "all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth." The problem has always lied in the fact that we do not always accept, receive or live in His love. God, in His love for us, could never reject us, but we can reject Him. He will always show us mercy, kindness, compassion and He is ever ready to restore us to grace. But the truth remains that we are free. Free to act in truth and live lives of virtue, and free to live in the lies and live lives of vice. Part of being free is accepting the consequences of our actions. There is the sad reality that there are those who die unrepentant, hard hearted and unwilling to accept the love, mercy and forgiveness of Christ. Its most important to remember that there is no sin greater than His love and no sinner beyond the hope of God's mercy.
Mortal and Venial Sin
Sins are rightly evaluated according to their gravity. The distinction between mortal and venial sin, already evident in Scripture, became part of apostolic tradition of the Church. It is coroborated by human experience.
Venial Sin
Allows charity to subsist, even though it offends and wounds it.
Venial sins can be forgiven in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, as well as at the beginning of Mass during the penitential rite.
As Christians we should always be trying to overcome our venial sins and learn to love God and our neighbor to the perfection of love.
Mortal Sin
Mortal sin destroys charity in the heart of the sinner. It requires a new initiative of God's mercy and a conversion of heart which is normally accomplished within the Sacrament of Reconciliation. For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must together be met:
1. Grave Matter:
-Is specified by the divine law (The Ten Commandments) and the ultimate end of man.
2. Full Knowledge
-Is knowledge of the sinful character of the act, of its opposition to God's law...Unintentional ignorance can diminish or even remove the imputability of a grave offense. But no one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man.
3. Complete Consent
-Is a consent sufficiently deliberate to be a personal choice. Feigned ignorance and hardness of heart do not diminish, but rather increase, the voluntary character of a sin...The promptings of feelings and passions can diminish the voluntary and free character of the offense, as can external pressures or pathological disorders. Sin committed through malice, by deliberate choice of evil, is the gravest.
The 7 Capital Sins and Opposed Virtues
The Capital Sins can be classified according to the virtues they oppose. They are called "capital" because they engender other sins, other vices.
Capital Sins Virtues Opposed
1. Pride Humility
2. Covetousness Liberality
3. Lust Chastity
4. Anger Meekness
5. Gluttony Temperance
6. Envy Brotherly Love
7. Sloth Diligence
The Sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance
Through this Sacrament sins, after baptism, are forgiven.
The Fruits of the sacrament are:
1. Reconciliation with God: The penitent recovers sanctifying grace.
2. Reconciliation with the Church.
3. Remission of the eternal punishment incurred by mortal sins.
4. Remission, at least in part, of temporal punishments resulting from sin.
5. Peace and serenity of conscience, and spiritual consolation.
6. An increase of spiritual strength for the Christian battle.
How to Go To Confession/Sacrament of Reconciliation
1. The first thing to do is to pray for the grace to want to be free from the guilt, shame and weight of our sins.
2. Then we need to recall the FACT that God is a merciful God Who wants to absolve our sins. He loves us and desires that we be restored to His grace and His friendship. He is waiting for us, just like the father of the prodigal son.
3. Make a good examination of conscience, calling to mind all the sins we have committed since our last GOOD confession where we told all our mortal sins in species and number, not hiding any sins out of fear or shame.
4. You may choose to go to your parish priest, but if you feel more comfortable, go to another priest from a different parish. Find the confession times on line, or in the bulletin, or simply call and make an appointment.
5. As you approach the confessional remember, no fear. You are coming into the tribunal of God's mercy. You have nothing to lose but your sin, guilt and shame!
6. Begin the confession by making the sign of the cross and saying: "Forgive me father for I have sinned. It has been (however long since your last good confession), and these are my sins.
7. Then, confess your sins freely and with joy knowing that you are throwing them into the abyss of God's mercy.
8. If you are confessing mortal sins you will want to confess them specifically, by species as we say, and how many times you committed that particular sin. Each mortal sin is an individual sin and must be confessed in number to the best of our ability. We need to express contrition for each time we committed that mortal sin. It may not be possible to remember how many times we committed a mortal sin. In those cases we may want to say "Under fifty" or "No more than twenty".
9. It is not necessary to give the circumstances around our sinful behaviors. Sometimes it is, if it is the priest may ask you for further details. The circumstance may help him understand you better and the situation you were in. It may help him give you better advice.
10. When you finished confessing, it is always good to tag on "And for all the sins I cannot remember at this time and for all the sins of my past." This way, if you remember a sin later you can be sure that it was forgiven and absolved. Had you remembered it, you would have confessed it.
11. The priest will then give you some advice, talk to you and assign you a penance.
12. The priest, before absolution, will ask you to make the "Act of Contrition", which goes like this:
O'My God, I am heartly sorry for having offended You.
And I detest all me sins because of Your just punishments.
But most of all, because they have offended You, my God,
Who is all good and worthy of all my love.
And I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more,
and to avoid the near occasion of sin.
13. The Priest will then give you absolution and say: "Go in peace."
The prayer of absolution said by the priest is very powerful. When he says it he is speaking "In Persona Christi". In other words, he is using his full priestly faculties (powers) given to him by Christ through the apostolic succession, to wipe out your sins forever. Remember the power that Jesus gave to the Apostles after the Resurrction; "Who sins you forgive are forgive. Whose sins you retain are retained." This authority has been handed down through the centuries through and unbroken line, from the Apostles to our present day Catholic priests. Here is the prayer:
God, the Father of Mercies,
through the death and resurrection of His Son
has reconciled the world to Himself
and sent the Holy Spirit among us
for the forgiveness of sins.
Through the ministry of the Church
may God grant you pardon and peace.
And I absolve you of your sins.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
Your sins are forgiven you.
Go in peace.
14. You are FREE to go in peace, knowing that you have been reconciled to God, His Church and your own heart.
Examination of Conscience
Bishop Bruskewitz of Lincoln Nebraska
Come Holy Spirit pour your gifts upon us
"Come to Me all you who are burdened
for I am gentle and humble of heart."
Priest: In the name of the Father...May God, who has enlightened every heart, help you to know your sins and trust in His mercy. Amen.
CCC 1431 Interior repentance is a radical reorientation of our whole life, a return, a conversion to God with all our heart, an end of sin, a turning away from evil, with repugnance toward the evil actions we have committed. At the same time it entails the desire and resolution to change one’s life, with hope in God’s mercy and trust in the help of his grace. This conversion of heart is accompanied by a salutary pain and sadness, which the Fathers called affliction of spirit and repentance of heart. (Note: I must avoid the reasonable occasion of sinning gravely.)
Laws of the Church
1. Am I living in a valid and licit marriage according to the laws of the Catholic Church?
2. Did I purposely omit telling my mortal sins in my last Confession?
3. Have I made a good Confession of my mortal sins at least once a year?
4. Did I perform the penance I was given?
5. Have I received Holy Communion while in the state of mortal sin?
6. Have I received a sacrament while in the state of mortal sin?
• FIRST: I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.
7. Have I refused to accept as true what God has revealed or what the Catholic Church proposes for belief?
8. Have I disobeyed the commandments of God or of His Catholic Church?
9. Have I denied the existence of God?
10. Have I rejected the Christian faith, associating myself formally with another religion?
11. Have I formally associated myself with a non-Catholic denomination or sect?
12. Am I a member of a group, which is forbidden to Catholics? (KKK, Now, N.A.R.A.L, Masons, Gangs...)
13. Have I given in to despair concerning the forgiveness of my sins or my salvation?
14. Have I presumed on God’s mercy, expecting forgiveness without conversion and practicing virtue or committing a sin with the intention of going to confession for it?
15. Do I love someone or something more than God?
16. Does someone or something other than God influence my choices?
17. Have I engaged in superstitious practices? Have I consulted horoscopes, palm readers, Tarot Cards, fortune tellers, clairvoyants, mediums, Wicca, TM, or played Dungeons & Dragons, Bloody Mary, 2 Fingers game? CCC 2117 “All practices of magic or sorcery...are gravely contrary to the virtue of
18. Have I involved myself in occult practices, such as séances, using a Ouija board, or the worship of
Satan? (Such as desecration and related activities)
• SECOND: You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain.
19. Have I failed to keep the vows or promises that I have made to God?
20. Have I used the name of God in cursing or blasphemy? [*Anger at the Lord?]
21. Have I spoken about the Church, the saints, sacred things or ministers (bishops, priests, deacons or religious) with irreverence, hatred or defiance?
22. Have I watched television or movies, or listened to music that treated God, the Church, the saints,
sacred persons or sacred things irreverently?
23. Have I been disrespectful in my behaviour in Church?
24. Have I misused places or things set apart for the worship of God?
• THIRD: Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.
25. Have I set time aside each day for personal prayer to God?
26. Have I worshiped God at Mass on Sunday and the other Holy Days of Obligation? CCC 2181
“Those who deliberately fail in this obligation commit a grave sin.”
27. Did I habitually come late to and/or leave early from Mass without good reason?
28. Have I committed a sacrilege against the Blessed Sacrament?
29. Did I do unnecessary labor on Sunday and the other Holy Days of Obligation?
30. Do I contribute a just amount of my time, talents and money to support my parish and the work of
the Church?
• FOURTH: Honor your father and mother.
31. If still under or when I was under the care of my parents, did I obey all that they reasonably
asked of me?
- did you speak badly about parents to others?
- did you sadden your parents by your behaviour?
- were you verbally or physically abusive toward parents?
- have you lied to your parents?
32. If still or when I was, in school did I obey the reasonable demands of my teachers?
33. Have I neglected the needs of my parents in their own age or in their time of need?
34. As a parent, have I neglected to give my children proper food, clothing, shelter, education, discipline and care? Abuse: physical or verbal?
35. Have I taken care to see that my children still under my care regularly frequent the sacraments of
Penance and Holy Communion?
36. Have I provided for the religious education and formation of my children for as long as they are
under my care?
37. Have I chosen a school for my children which correspond to my religious convictions and which helps me in my role as the primary educator of my children?
38. If it is not possible to enrol my child in a Catholic school, have I seen to it that they attend religious
instruction all through their school years, even after Confirmation?
39. Have I provided my children with a positive, prudent and personalized education in the Catholic
teaching on human sexuality?
40. Have I given my children a good example of how to live the Catholic Faith?
41. Have I prayed with and for my children? given scandal to children?
42. Do I live or have I lived in humble obedience to those who legitimately exercise authority over me?
43. Have I broken the law?
44. Have I supported or voted for a politician whose positions are opposed to the teachings of Christ and His Catholic Church?
• FIFTH: You shall not kill.
45. Have I used speech to belittle others?
46. Have I purposely provoke another by teasing or nagging?
47. Have I encouraged others to sin by giving scandal?
48. Have I seriously considered or attempted suicide? cutting yourself?
49. Have I supported, promoted or encouraged the practice of assisted suicide or mercy killing?
50. Have I been immoderate in my use of tobacco? Have I over-eaten (Gluttony)?
51. Have I been immoderate in my use of diets or diet pills? ie. Purposely vomiting food after eating?
52. Did I, by my actions, recklessly endanger my life or health, or that of another person?
53. Did I operate any form of transportation recklessly or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs?
54. Have I abused alcohol or other drugs?
55. Have I sold or given drugs to others to use for non-therapeutic purposes?
56. Have I procured, performed, cooperated or advised another in the intentional killing of an unborn
child through abortion? [* Did I deliberately try to induce a miscarriage? Did I remain silent when
another was planning an abortion? Pro-choice?
57. Have I unjustly threatened another person with bodily harm?
58. Have I unjustly inflicted bodily harm on another person?
59. Have I afflicted another person with verbal or emotional abuse?
60. Have I hated another to the point of wishing him evil?
61. Have I deliberately desired to kill an innocent human being?
62. Have I unjustly and intentionally killed a human being?
63. Am I prejudiced or have I unjustly discriminated against others because of their race, colour,
nationality, gender or religion?
64. Do I belong to a hate group?
• SIXTH: You shall not commit adultery.
• NINTH: You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife.
65. Do I make an effort to practice the virtue of chastity?
66. Have I listened to music or jokes that are harmful to purity?
67. Have I used vulgar, suggestive or obscene speech?
68. Have I purposely dressed immodestly?
69. Have I watched movies, internet or television that involves sex and nudity? [* Have I gone to
inappropriate live entertainment?]
70. Have I wilfully entertained impure thoughts? Have I purchased or made use of pornography in any
71. Have I committed masturbation, using my sexual organs for my own sexual pleasure? CCC 2352
“Masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action.”
72. Have I made uninvited and unwelcome sexual advances toward another?
73. Have I set out to seduce someone, or allowed myself to be seduced?
74. Have I engaged in sexual foreplay (petting) reserved for marriage? [* Or passionate kissing?]
“...acts of fondling [mutual masturbation, oral sex, grinding (clothed sex), anal sex, cybersex] or kissing aimed precisely at stirring up sexual arousal in oneself or one’s partner—even if one does not intend this to lead toward complete external sins – are objectively gravely sinful.” (Pg. 195 Catholic Sexual Ethics by Rev. Ronald Lawler OFM Cap, Joseph Boyle Jr, and William May. 1985 ISBN 0-87973-805-7)
74b. Immodest dancing? [grinding, ect...]
75. Have I committed fornication, having sexual relations with someone of the opposite sex when
neither of us is married?
76. Have I engaged in unnatural sexual activities? [* person, pet]
77. Have I committed adultery, having sexual relations with someone who is married or with someone
other than my spouse? [* Or with a consecrated person?]
78. Have I preyed upon children or youth for my sexual pleasure? [Between ages 7 – 12?] [* If
molested, did I become a willing participant by what I did, or by failing to do that which was
reasonable to avoid it?]
79. Have I committed incest, having sexual relations with a relative or in-law?
80. Have I committed sodomy, having sexual relations with someone of the same sex?
81. Have I given in to lust, the desire for sexual pleasure unrelated to spousal love in marriage? [* Have I lacked fidelity in desire?]
82. Have I undergone an operation to render myself sterile for contraceptive purposes?
83. Have I used artificial means of birth control?
84. Have I participated in immoral techniques for in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination?
85. Have I raped someone?
86. Have I engaged in prostitution, or paid for the services of a prostitute? [* Have I gone to immoral bars?]
87. Have I abandoned my spouse and family by separation or divorce? [* Have I denied my spouse
conjugal rights?]
88. Have I been keeping company with someone whom I cannot marry in the Catholic Church?
89. Have I given scandal by living with a member of the opposite sex without the benefit of a marriage
blessed by the Catholic Church?
90. Have I entered into marriage with more than one person at the same time?
• SEVENTH: You shall not steal.
• TENTH: You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
91. Do I try to or have I always tried to live in a spirit of gospel poverty and simplicity?
92. Have I failed to practice the works of mercy?
93. Am I envious of others on account of their possessions?
94. Did I take something that doesn’t belong to me against the reasonable will of the owner?
95. Did I deface, destroy or lose another’s property without making restitution?
96. Did I cheat on a test, on my taxes, in business, or in games of chance?
97. Have I squandered money in compulsive gambling?
98. Did I make a false claim to an insurance company?
99. Do I pay employees a living wage, or fail to give a full day’s work for a full day’s pay?
100. Have I failed to honour my part of a contract? Did I fail to make good on a debt?
101. Did I take advantage of another’s hardship or ignorance by charging more for a product that it is
102. Have I misused natural resources? Littering? Polluting?
103. Have I treated animals cruelly, causing them to suffer or die needlessly?
• EIGHTH: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
104. Did I perjure myself under oath?
105. Did I knowingly and willfully deceive another by speaking a falsehood?
106. Am I guilty of passing on gossip?
107. Am I guilty of detraction, destroying a person’s reputation by telling others about his faults for
no good reason?
108. Am I guilty of slander or calumny, telling lies about another person in order to destroy his
109. Am I guilty of libel, writing lies about another person in order to destroy his reputation?
110. Am I guilty of rash judgment, assuming the worst of another person based on circumstantial
111. Have I failed to make reparation for a lie I told, or for harm done to a person’s reputation?
112. Did I betray another’s confidence through speech?
113. Did I fail to speak out in defence of the Catholic Faith, the Church, or of another person? Judgmental toward others? Not forgiving? Harboring a grudge?
• The Precepts of The Church
• You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion at least during the Easter season.
114. Have I fulfilled my Easter duty to receive Holy Communion at least once between the First
Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday?
115. Have I fasted an hour before receiving Holy Communion?
116. Have I received Holy Communion more than twice in one day?
• You shall observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence.
117. Do I do penance every Friday, if not abstaining from meat, then some other form of penance?
118. If I am 14 years of age or older, did I abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of
119. If I am between the ages of 18 and 59, did I fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday?
• Did you ever conceal a mortal sin in confession? Or make bad communion?
[* In Brackets] implies questions come from Fr. Luna: Making the most of Confession pg. 15f, 1974 or from The Sacrament of Confession pg. 196f
• Pride, Boasting
• Sloth
• Vanity, too concerned with one’s own looks, health, ect...