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The Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ

"The Lord gave me such faith in priests who live after the manner of the Holy Roman Church...and I shall not consider any sin in them, because they are my lords...

I do this because I see nothing corporally  of the Most High Son of God...except His Most Holy Body and Blood..which they alone administer..." -St. Fran

Fr. David Mary Preaches on the Priesthood

Homily of the Priesthood
Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men

This is an excellent film about the priesthood. It was produced by Grassroots films

Take 18 minutes and learn the beauty of the Holy Priesthood. You will come to love your priests!

Fruits of the Priesthood

Holy Orders

By which the task of serving in the name and in the Person of Christ is conferred.

The Fruits of the sacrament are:

-The mission and faculty ("the sacred power") to act in persona Christi.

-Configuration to Christ as Priest, Teacher, and Pastor.

-The imprinting, as in Baptism, of an indelible character that cannot be repeated or conferred temporarily.

Priesthood and Marriage

The Sacrament of Priesthood and Marriage

What does a priestly vocation have to do with marriage?

What does a Catholic priest know about being married?

The Franciscan Priest

The Franciscan Priest

Fr. David Mary talks about the Friar Minor who is also a priest. He reflects upon how Priests lived within the Brotherhood of Friars.

The Priesthood by Lacordaire

The Priesthood: by Lacordaire

To live in the midst of the world

without desiring its pleasures;

To be a mamber of Each family,

yet beloning to none;

To share all sufferings;

To penetrate all secrets;

To heal all wounds;

To go from men to God

and offer Him their prayers;

To return from God to men

To bring pardon, peace, and hope;

To have a heart of fire for charity

and a heart of bronze for chastity,

to teach and to pardon,

to console and to bless always;

This life if yours,

Oh Priest of Jesus Christ.

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