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The Most Holy Eucharist

"Let the whole world tremble, and all of mankind shake when the Son of God, is present on the Altar in the hands of

the priest...

O'Sublime humility! O'Humble sublimity, that God should so humble Himself to take the form of bread. Humble your hearts before Him." -S. Fran.

Catholic Understanding of the Eucharist

Fr. David Mary Explains our Catholic Understanding

of the Eucharist 

Talk on the True Presence

Fr. David Mary Uses Scripture to teach about the Eucharist

Holy Eucharist

By which Christ associates His Church and all her members with the sacrifice of the Cross.

The Fruits of the sacrament are:

-An increase in the communicant's union with Christ.

-Forgiveness of venial sins.

-Preservation from grave sins.

-A Strengthening of the bonds of charity between communicant and Christ.

-A strengthening of the unity of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ.

The Sacrament of the Eucharist

Scriptural Foundations for the Church's Teaching on the Eucharist

The Gospel of Saint John Chapter 6

The Gospel of Saint Matthew Chapter 26 verse 26

Saint Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians Chapter 11 verses 23-31

-Take a little time each day to read and slowly reflect upon these Scripture passages. As you do, consider the actual words Jesus uses, the reaction of the crowd/people, as well as the strength by which the Lord and Saint Paul confirms and reconfirms the teaching of the true presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

Scriptual Foundations of the Eucharist
Homily on Corpus Christi

Fr. David Mary Preaches on "The Feast of Corpus Christi"

God in the Streets

"God in the Streets"

Here is a great video about a  3 Day Eucharistic Procession through the streets of

New York City.

The short film was created and produced by Grassroots Films.


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