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Poor Clare Nuns Share their Vocation Stories
Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
"Cloistered: God's Women of Steel"
Sr. Mary Veronica, P.C.P.A.
Poor Clare Colettine
Mother Abbess and Others
Poor Clare Colettine
"Within these Walls"
Cleveland Poor Clares
Poor Clare Colettine
"Investiture Day"
Poor Clare Colettine
"Life of Mother Mary Francis"
Poor Clare Nuns
"Praying Vespers"
Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration
"A Short Talk on Vocations"
Mother Therese 25th Jubilee
Poor Clares of Barhamsville, Va.
Investiture of Sr. Veronica
Sr. Elise Professes her First Vows
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