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Third Order Franciscan Saints

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who mourn,

for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

"A Tree is known by its fruits."

Just a glance at the list of names below is enough to give consideration about joining this noble family of Saint Francis!

Lay Faithful:

Saint Louis of France, King -Patron of the Third Order

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Queen -Patroness of the Third Order

Saint Thomas Moore, Chancelor of England

Blessed Angela of Foligno, widow 1248-1309

S.G. Catherine, Queen of England (First wife of Henry VIII) d. 1536

S.G. Matthew Rossi, Knight d. 1271

S.G. Robert, King of Naples d. 1343

S.G. Vlare Rimini, wife/widow d. 1345

Blessed Paula Gambara-Costa, wife/widow d. 1505

St. Hycinthia Marriscotti, Virgin d.1640

Bl. Louise Albertoni, wife/widow d. 1533

Bl. Veridiana, Virgin-Anchoress d. 1242

Saintly Companions of Peter Baptist, Martyrs d. 1627

St. Conrad of Piacenza, husband/hermit d. 1351

St. Margret of Cortona, Penitent d. 1297

S.G. Jacoba of Settesoli, wife/widow/friend of St Francis d. 1239

S.G. Apollina of Bologna, wife/widow d. 1500

Blessed Hippolyte Galantini, founder of the "Confraternity of Christian Doctrine"

                 -d. 1620

S.G. Archangela Tardera, virgin d. ?

Blessed Mary of Maille, wife/widow d. 1414

Blessed William of Scicli, hermit d. 1404

Saintly Companions of Blessed Nicholas, Martyrs d. 1358

St. Benedict Joseph Labre, cordbearer

St. Marie Bernadette Soubirous, Virgin/cordeareer (St. Bernadette of Lourdes)

Blessed Luchesio, FIRST THIRD ORDER MEMBER, invested by St. Francis d. 1242

Blessed Waldo, hermit d. 1300's (?)

Blessed Mary Ann of Jesus De Paredes, Virgin d. 1645 at age 27.

Saint Ferdinand King of Spain d. 1252

Blessed Gerard, Knight/hermit/servant of the poor d.1242

Blessed John Pelingotto d. 1304

Blessed Humiliana, wife/widow d. 1246

S.G. Matthew Talbot, Penitent d. 1925 -patron of recovering alcholics

S.G. Leonard Galici d. 1634

S.G. Michael of the Angels, d. 1628

S.G. Cecelia Joanelli-Castelli, wife/mother d. 1641

Blessed Michaelina, wife/mother/widow d. 1356

S.G. Jutta of Thurgia, widow/hermit d. 126..?

S.G. Orlando of Chiusi, Knight (He gave St. Francis Mount LaVerna) d.12..?

S.G. Jane Guillena, wife/widow d. 1646

Blessed Raymond Lull, Martyr d. 1314

S.G. Philomene Jane Genovese, Virgin d. 1846

Blessed Companions of Gregory Grassi, Martyrs d. 1904

Saint Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal d. 1336

Bl. Anaclete Gonzalez Flores, Martyr of Mexico d. 1927

       (See movie: "For Greater Glory")

S.G. Adriana of Cortona, Virgin, (Sister of Margaret of Cortona) d.12..?

S.G. John Martinez, husband d. ?

S.G. Beatrice Rusconi, wife/widow d. 1490

S.G. Lawrence Jansens, Tertiary Franciscan d. 1692

S.G. Francis of China, layman d. 1875

Blessed Francis of Pesaro, Hermit d. 1350

St. Roch, Layman d. 1327

Blessed Nolelon of Faenza, Layman d. 1280

S.G. Blanche, Queen of France d. 1253

S.G. Margaret of Luxemberg, Virgin d. 1651 

S.G. Anna of Medina, Virgin d. 1602

Saint Rose of Viterbo, Virgin d. ?

S.G. Magdalen of Rottenburg, Wife/Mother d. 1534

Blessed Thomas of Foligno, Hermit d. 1377

Saint Elzar of Sabran, husband d.1325

S.G. Francis of Ypres, husband d. 1689

S.G. Vincent Mussart, Capuchin Tertiary d. 1637

Saint Frances Mary of the Five Wounds, Virgin d.1791

St. Bridget of Sweden, Widow/Foundress of the Order of Our Savior d.1373

S.G. Robert of Malatesta, Husband d. ?

Vn. Conrad Ferrini, Layman d. 1902

S.G. Anna Tellier, Wife/Widow d. 1676

S.G. Catherine of Bosnia, Wife/Widow d. 1487

S.G. Nuncia, Wife/Widow d. 15..?

Blessed Jane of Signa, Anchoress d.1307

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Wife/Queen/Widow d. 1235

S.G. Paul Pius Perazzo, Layman d. 1911

S.G. Walter Lopez, Knight/Layman d. 1648

S.G. Margaret Sinclair, Virgin d. 1925

Blessed Elizabeth the Good, Virgin d. 1420

Blessed Delphina, Virgin d. ?

Blessed Peter of Siena, Husband d. 1289

Blessed Hugoline, Layman d. 1373

S.G. Mary Crucifixa, Virgin d. 1826

S.G. Elizabeth of Austria, Princess d. 1592

S.G. Jane of Silva, Virgin d. 16..?

S.G. Didacus of Singra, Layman d. 1612


Saint John Vianney, Patron of Parish Priests

S.G. John of Bentivenga

S.G. James of Castepieve, Martyr d. 1304

S.G. James Oldo, Penitent d. 1404

Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo d. 1842

Saint Yves d. 1303

Blessed Joseph Cafasso d. 1860

Pope Saint Pius X, Pope d. 1914

Blessed Davanzato d. 12..?

Blessed Nicholas of Furca Palena d.1440

Saint Vincent Pallotti d. 1850

Blessed John of Peace, Soldier/Layman d. 1433

S.G. Walter of Terviso d. 1242

Blessed Bartholo d. 1300

S.G. Gabriel of Trjo, Bishop d. 1630

Third Order Regular:

S.G. Paschaline of Foligno, foundress d. 1309

S.G. Teresa Bonzel, Foundress of the Poor Franciscans of Perpetual Adoration

          -d. 1905

S.G. Mary Fidelis Weiss, Franciscan Sisters of Reutberg d. 1923

Saint Angela Marici, foundress of the Nursaline Sisters d. 1531

Bl. Jane of Valois, Queen & Foundress of the Sisters of the Annunciation d. 1505

S.G. Lucy Sancia, Foudress of the Sisters of the Third Order d. 15...?

Vn. Jane of the Cross, Virgin d. 1534

S.G. Barbara Hagenauer, Virgin, Tertiary Franciscan Sisters in Bavaria d. 1570

S.G. Vincent of Nicosia -Tertiary Franciscan d. 1601

S.G. Frances of Hagenau, Virgin Tertiary Franciscan in Alsace d. 1675

Blessed Angela of Marsciano, widow/foundress of Franciscan Sisters Third

                Order Regular d. 1435

S.G. Anna Apollonia Stadler, Virgin Tertiary Franciscan Sisters in Bavaria

         "Ridler Convent" d. ?

S.G. Magdalen Damen, Virgin and Foundress of the Franciscan Sisters of Penance

         and of Christian Charity d. 1858

S.G. Clare Bugni, Virgin/Tertiary of of the Holy Sepluchre Sisters, Venice d. 1511

Blessed Lucy of Caltagirone, Virgin/Tertiary Sisters of St. Mary Magdalene

                d. 1400

S.G. Mary Catherine Sailer, Virgin/Member of the Tertiary Franciscan Sisters in

         Munich d. 1684

S.G. Bridget Gonzolez, Virgin/Member of the Tertiary Franciscan Sisters of St.

         Francis at Vaez d.1551

S.G. Baptista of Piacenza, Virgin/Member of Third Order of St. Francis under

         St. Mary Magdalen of Piacenza d. 1515

S.G. Mary Ruiz, Virgin Foundress of ? d. 1500

S.G. Mary Chappotin of the Passion, Virgin/Foundress of Missionaries of Mary

         d. 1904

S.G. Jane of Luxemburg, Virgin/Member of The Sisters of St. Francis at Monzel,

         France d. 1904

Blessed Mary Joseph Rossello, Virgin/Foundress of the Institute of the Daughters

         of Mercy d. 1938

S.G. Frances Schervier, Virgin/Foundress of The Sisters of the Poot of Saint

         Francis d. 1924

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