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Total Consecration to The Blessed Virgin Mary

"God wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart."

-Our Lady of Fatima 

"My Immaculate Heart will always be

your refuge."

-Our Lady of Fatima 

Total Consecration to Mary, according to Saint Louis de Montfort, has a 33 day preparation period.

Many people have a hard time understanding why one would consecrate oneself to Mary.

Below, you can click on a video and listen to Fr. David Mary explain

Total Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Click on this Icon of Our Lady of Fatima in order to follow a daily 33 day preparation for the Total Consecration to Mary.

Total Consecration to Mary

Click Here

Homily: Total Consecration

Fr. David Mary Gives a Homily on

"Total Consecration to Mary"

Talk: The Immaculate Conception

Feast of the Immaculate Conception Fr. David Mary Preaches to those about to Make their Consecration

"Consecration Day"

Talk: Marian Vow

The Marian Vow

Total Consecration to Mary


Personal Sanctification

According to St. Maximilian 

33 Days Preparation for Total Consecration

Total Consecration to Mary

 Below is a day by day plan for Preparation for Total Consecration.

Please take time each day to reflect upon the meditations and questions given. It should not take you more than 20 minutes a day.

You'll want to make your consecration on a Marian Feast or a Feast of Our Lord.

Try to plan by counting back 33 days prior to your day of consecration and beginning your preparation then.

Thirty Three Days in Preparation for Total Consecration

According to the great Mariologist St. Luis de Montfort, total consecration to Mary is preceeded by 33 days of preparation. St. Luis divided the 33 days into 2 periods: First, 12 days focused on emptying oneself of the spirit of the world which is opposed to the Spirit of Jesus. The second period is three weeks of imbuing oneself with the Spirit of Jesus by coming to know Jesus and Mary.

Day 1:

As we begin our first day of the first period of ridding ourselves of the worldly spirit, let us ask ourselves three questions:

Do I live my life after the manner of the Holy Gospel?

Would Jesus say to me, as He said to St. Peter: “Your thinking as the world thinks”?

Am I a worldly person?

Spend 15 minutes reading chapter 5 of Matthew’s Gospel and reflect upon the Be-Attitudes’ of Christ.

Come Holy Spirit, come to me through the intercession of your most beloved Spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and convict me of any behavior that is not of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Day 2:

On day 2 of our preparation for total consecration we consider the first beatitude: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. “Poor in spirit” means “humble”. Am I a humble person? Or am I arrogant? Always having to have the last word? How often has my pride hurt others? Myself? God?

Let us consider the words of Jesus:

-“Learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart.”

-“Unless you turn and become like children you will not enter the kingdom

of God.”

-“Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be


Consider Mary’s humility. When she, the Queen of heaven and earth, said to Gabriel the Archangel: “Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord.

Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thy own. Amen.

Day 3:

On day 3 of our preparation for total consecration we consider another of the beatitudes: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Meekness

is not weakness! Being meek means that we face opposition, bad situation, or hard times without fear. Meek is standing in the truth with love. In the face of violence, opposition, enemies or those difficult times we remember that we are sons and daughters of God. We were purchased at the price of the blood of Jesus. We have nothing to fear, no reason for worrying, no cause for anxiety. All is in the hands of our loving Father. Let us ask ourselves:

-Is this the way I have faced difficulties in my past?

-Do I still fear?

-Do I still worry? Filled with anxiety?

-Do I know who I am before God?

O’ Blessed Virgin Mary teach me to be meek, peaceful and confidents in God’s eternal merciful love for me. Amen.


Day 4:

On day 4 of our preparation for total consecration we consider the beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” We live in an impure world, it’s filled with lude commercials, suggestive speech and jokes as well as pornography accessible 24/7. Our inclination to sin, particularly to sin against purity, can rage within a person. If we want to see God we need to fight these temptations and remain or become pure, truly pure in our hearts. We need to ask ourselves:

-Do I have control over my thoughts?

-Do I turn my impure thoughts to thoughts of God and holiness of life?

-Do I turn off bad shows and stay away from impure web sites?

-Do I participate in or tolerate impure or suggestive speech?

A good examination of conscience can help unveil where we still need to grow.

O’ Blessed Virgin Mary, most pure Queen, I want to see God. Purify my mind, my eyes, my senses, and my heart. Help me so that I may come to see your Son Jesus. Amen.


Day 5:

On this 5th day of our preparation for total consecration we continue to seek to rid ourselves of the worldly ways of behaving. We consider the beatitude: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.” Mercy is God’s greatest attribute. We could say that: “God is mercy itself”. Jesus commanded us to imitate this mercy when He said: “Be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful.” This is, perhaps, the toughest commandment. It is as tough as:

-“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

-“Forgive seventy times seven times.”

-“forgive you brother from your heart”

We Must forgive! Jesus also said: “If you don’t forgive your neighbor, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you.” So:

-Who do I need to forgive?

-Am I still holding grudges?

-If God can forgive me, who am I not to forgive?

O’ Mary who forgave us, the crucifiers of your son, please teach us to forgive. Teach us, O’ Mother of Mercy, to be merciful as God is merciful. Amen.


Day 6:

On this 6th day of our preparation for total consecration we consider yet another beatitude: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Sometimes we can get caught up in gossip, or detraction or we are brought into an un-peaceful situation. In these and other circumstances, we are less than peacemakers, especially when we are the ones being talked about. Let us consider Jesus’ words: “Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you.”

“If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn and offer him the other.”

Jesus showed us how to do this as He hung upon the cross, crucified by our sins when he said “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

We were all once enemies of God, but we have been reconciled. Jesus is the great peacemaker. Oh, Mary, help me bring peace to those in strife. Help me make peace and become a peaceful person.


Day 7:

As we continue to purify ourselves of worldly ways on this seventh day of preparation for consecration, we consider the beatitude “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” To thirst for righteousness, to hunger for it, is ultimately the desire for holiness.

Do I want to be holy? Do I want to be a saint? What is stopping me from fulfilling that desire? Jesus said: “If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off.”

“If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.”

Jesus does not mean this literally, but he does want us to remove from our lives all

opposition to holiness. Why wait till tomorrow? Today is the day, and now is the hour to get holy.

Mary most holy, teach me to be holy. Form me as you formed Jesus. With your mighty heel, crush any sin or desire to sin that is in my heart. Amen!


Day 8:

On this eighth day of preparation, continuing to shed the ways of this world let us consider yet another beatitude: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

When Jesus speaks of those who mourn, he allows us to understand that we need to mourn worldliness. We need to break free of our attachments to sin that can be so pleasurable, but so dangerous to our souls. St. Augustine, during his conversion prayed: “O Lord, make me chaste, but not yet.”

This can’t be our disposition. We must come to do penance for our past sins and follow the Lord no matter how much it hurts. Jesus said: “Do penance, for the kingdom of God is at hand.”

“Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow me.”

“He who saves his life will lose it, he who loses his life for my sake will find it.”

“What would it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?”

We must turn away from sin and do penance if we wish the comfort of heaven.

O Mary you mourned for sinful humanity upon Calvary. Help me to do penance and amend my life. Amen!


Day 9:

Today on this ninth day of our 33 day preparation for total consecration to Mary, we reflect on the eighth beatitude: “Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you… the kingdom of heaven is yours.” If we are going to follow Jesus through Mary we can be sure that we will be persecuted. Jesus told us:

“If the world hates you, know that it hated me first.”

Let us consider whether or not we are ready for this.

Am I ready to stand against the tide?

Am I ready to be counter-cultural?

Am I willing to suffer for Christ?

Am I willing to live for Him who died for me?

O Mary, you stood by your Son as He hung dying on the cross.

Stand by me that I may bear witness to your Son.


Day 10:

On this tenth day of preparation for consecration, we are continuing to try to break away from worldliness, worldly thought and worldly behavior. So I need to ask if we are chasing after the things of this world or after those of heaven? Where  

is my treasure? Jesus told us:

“Seek first the kingdom of heaven.”

“Store up for yourselves treasure in heaven where thief does not break in and steal.”

We need to ask ourselves: Am I looking to get what I can out of this life, hoping to get rich and store up my wealth? Or am I looking to give to this world? Do I want to be generous and store up graces for eternity?

O Mary, on Christmas morn you gave birth to Jesus in the poverty of Bethlehem. You made us rich by giving us the king of heaven. Help me to get my priorities straight and to be good, generous and giving.


Day 11:

As we continue on to our 11th day of preparation for consecration we think about learning how to see and serve Jesus. Mother Teresa says that

“Jesus comes to us in the distressing disguise of the poor.” By this she means what Jesus said of Himself:

“When I was hungry you gave me to eat.

When I was thirsty you gave me drink.

When I was naked you clothed me,

ill or imprisoned you visited me

homeless and you took me in.”

Do we do this? Do we feed Him? Do we give Him drink?

Do I comfort him? Visit Him? Take Him in? Do I even see Him hungry, homeless, sick, imprisoned or thirsty?

You’ve seen Him, we all have. For He said what you did for the least of my brothers you did it to me.”

Oh Mary, help us to see Jesus in the neediness of those around us. Teach us to serve Him as you served Him in Nazareth.”


Day 12:

Today we end the first part of our preparation for consecration. For the past 12 days we’ve sought to rid ourselves of the world and put on Christ.

Jesus said at the last supper that He leaves us in this world, but we are not to be “of” the world. By this he means that we are Christians now, baptized into Christ Jesus. By the way we live we are to give witness to the truth of the love of Christ Jesus. We are to live in this world of pain with a joy knowing that the kingdom of heaven is ours! Joy in knowing that we will be comforted, we will see God, and we will be shown mercy. We must live in Joy knowing that our heavenly father knows our needs and that Jesus is giving us the treasures of glory. Today as we shake off the world let us consider the one of two things we will hear from Jesus on the day

we stand before Him in judgment: It will be either Depart from me into the everlasting fire or well done good and faithful servant. Enter into the kingdom of my father prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

The choice is ours. Our lives-our moral decisions will make that choice.

O Mary, pray for me. Set my eyes on the glory that Jesus wishes to bestow upon me. Amen.


Day 13:

During this second period of consecration we are going to reflect on Mary. We are going to learn about her. Who is she? Her relationship to the members of each person of the trinity and her important part in our life. Many non-Catholics don’t understand our Marian devotion, and many Catholics don’t grasp the importance of Mary in our lives. St. Bonaventure says that Mary is on every page of scripture, and if we can’t find her we don’t know scripture well enough.

It would be helpful if during the following days we began to pray a daily rosary. As you do, think about each mystery and consider Mary’s role in each incredible moment of our Lord’s life.

O, Mary, let me know you. Show yourself to be the mother that Jesus wants you to be to me. Reveal to me your love for me.


Day 14:

On this 14th day of our preparation for consecration, we consider Mary’s privilege of being the “immaculate conception”. By this we mean that she was conceived without the stain of Original Sin. It also implies that she never did sin, that the Holy Spirit always dwelt within her. That’s why the angel Gabriel called her “full of grace”. There was nothing lacking in her. She was prophesized in Genesis when, after the fall, God said to Satan: “I will put enmity between you and the woman… and she will crush your head.” Mary is “the woman” who has no stain of sin in her. She has enmity with Satan.

Consider how Mary is not less human because she didn’t sin, rather, she is more human. Sin is a degradation of our humanity.

Because Mary has no sin in her, she can love most perfectly, selflessly, boundlessly, limitlessly and most generously.

O Mary, love me as your child. Teach me to flee from sin. Petition your Son to cleanse me by the mercy that flows from His sacred side.


Day 15:

Continuing to learn about Mary on this 15th day of our preparation for consecration, we think of Mary’s both virgin and mother, or her perpetual virginity. In the 7th century the Vatican synod solemnly defined Mary’s virginity by stating that Mary was virgin before, during and after the birth of Jesus. Her virginal motherhood is both prefigured and prophesized in the Old Testament.

Moses beholds the burning bush, on fire, yet not consumed by it. The word of

salvation comes forth from it. In a similar way, Mary is a mother on fire yet a virgin.-not consumed by the fire. From her comes forth the word of salvation.

Jesus’ body- Word made flesh. Jesus, which means “God saves.”

Mary honors those who persevere in a chaste and pure life.

May we live purely and persevere in loving appropriately.

O Mary, ever virgin, teach me to love Jesus with a pure heart. Restore my innocence and allow me to see your Son.


Day 16:

On day 16 of our preparation for total consecration, we consider Mary under the title: “Mother of God.” Jesus is God and man. He has a human body and a human soul, a human intellect and a human will. But He also has a divine nature, a divine intellect and a divine will. The two natures are unmixed and un-confused. Jesus is a divine person, the second person of the Holy Trinity, God the Son. God became man in Mary’s womb. She gave birth to the God who existed before her. She gave birth to a person- the second person of the most holy Trinity, so we call her “Mother of God.”

She alone can call God her “son.” She alone loves God with a mother’s love. No one ever before or after loved God as Mary did. For this woman is called by God “mommy.”

Mary, teach me to love Jesus. Teach me to hold him in my heart. Teach me what it means to love God with an undivided heart- a mother’s heart.


Day 17:

Today is day 17 of our preparation for total consecration. As we pass the halfway mark, we recall that Mary is not only God’s mother, but she is our mother. At the last supper Jesus said: “I will not leave you orphans.”

And he didn’t, by the adoption we have received through baptism. Jesus’ father, God the Father, became our father. His mother, Mary, became our mother.

Mary’s universal motherhood was proclaimed from the cross when Jesus turned to the disciple whom he loved and said: “Behold your mother.” Everyone who claims to be a disciple, a beloved disciple, takes Mary into their home, their heart, their life.

Remember, Mary is a real mother. She loves you more than your own birth mother. She loves you, she knows you, she intercedes for you, she is here for you.

O Mary, convict me of your love for me and allow me to be a most worthy child of yours. I promise to obey and follow your command: “Do whatever he tells you.”


Day 18:

On this 18th day of our preparation for total consecration, we are filled with gratitude to God for Mary and gratitude to Mary for her part in our salvation. Just as Eve handed Adam the fruit of the tree that brought us into sin, so Mary gave Jesus his sacred humanity by which he offered his life. She gave us to eat from the tree of life. That is what we mean by Mary being co-redemptrix. She assisted, not equal to Christ, in our redemption. Her cooperation in the work of our redemption is critical to our life in God. By being immaculate, she was able to offer Jesus to God for us, with Christ and in Christ. Jesus offered himself on the altar of the cross. Mary offered Jesus on the altar of her heart.

Thank you O Lady, Mary my mother. Thank you for cooperating most perfectly in my redemption. Fill me with gratitude to Jesus so I may live a life of gratefulness.


Day 19:

On this 19th day of our preparation for consecration, we recall the image of Mary given by St. Bernard. He said that Jesus is the head of the Church, we are the body of Christ. Mary is the Neck that connects the head to the body. Everything, every grace, flows from the head to the body through the neck. We go to Jesus from Mary. It’s also the basis of our consecration, we go to Jesus through Mary.

O Mary, my mother, obtain for me every grace I need to become a saint. Bring me to Jesus. Just as you brought Him into our world, bring me into His.


Day 20:

On this 20th day of preparation for consecration, we have only two weeks to go to get ready. So, today we consider Mary’s assumption into heaven. The scriptures read: “You will not allow your faithful one to undergo corruption.”

And God didn’t. How could God allow His Mother to rot in the earth? Who of us, if we could, wouldn’t keep our mothers from decay?

Mary, from whom Jesus received his sacred humanity, was assumed body and soul into the glory of heaven.

It is from her place in heaven, says the second Vatican council, that Mary continues her intercessory role. There she can be a mother to us all.

O Mary, Jesus assumed you into heaven, body and soul, you who received the first fruits of the future resurrection. Pray for us that we may look to you as our hope, that we may see you in the glory that we are to receive through Christ your son.


Day 21:

Today the 21st day of our preparation for consecration, let us consider our lady as queen. King Solomon after being crowned pulled the throne up next to him, seated his mother and crowned her queen. Ever since then, the mothers of the kings of Israel, not their wives, were queen. King Solomon prefigured Christ crowning his mother as the queen mother.

As our queen, she has a right to our loyalty, our fidelity, and our reverence. It should be our special obligation to promote devotion to her so she may obtain for us and others all that she asks of her son.

Oh Mary my queen and my mother you are seated upon a glorious throne in heaven. I give you reign over my life; do with me as you will. I ask only that you obtain for me the grace of dying in the state of grace.


Day 22:

As we begin our 22nd day of preparation for total consecration to Mary let us consider the manner in which Our Lady prayed. In the beautiful song of the Magnificat, Mary, in her own words, gives thanks to God for what he has done for her and us. She is a woman of praise and thanks. She will also ponder the mysteries of God in her heart. She reflects on and meditates on how God is working in her daily life. She is a woman who contemplates mystery. She intercedes for the couple at Cana and obtains for them fresh new wine.

This is symbolic of how she obtained for us the true spiritual wine of new life. She is a woman of intercession.

Oh Mary you who cradled God in your arms, and kissed Gods face, teach us how to pray. Teach us to give praise, teach us to give thanks, help us to contemplate mysteries of Gods workings in our lives. And then, may we, with you, intercede for the needs of all, especially hardened sinners.


Day 23:

As we continue on to our 23 day of preparation for consecration, we consider Our Lady’s last words in scripture: “Do whatever he tells you.” This is Our Lady’s command to us, that we should do all and whatever Jesus tells us.

Jesus has commanded us to love the lord our God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

He commanded us to share the gospel, and to live holy lives, and to be truly holy. The sermon on the mount is a perfect program of a life well lived in God.

Let us obey our mother and do whatever she tells us.

Oh Mary, show me the ways of God, so that I may live after the way of Jesus. Teach me to hear and heed his voice, so that I may do whatever he asks of me.


Day 24:

On this 24 day of preparation for consecration, let us reflect on Our Lady’s yes to God. After the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and invited her to be the Mother of God, she, by a free act of her will, chose it by the words “fiat mihi”
“let it be done unto me.”

Those words changed the world forever! Mary, a mere little girl at the time, gave God the permission to become man. God entrusted to her yes, her fiat, the entire

plan of salvation. Without her “yes” there is no incarnation, no Christmas, no cross, no redemption, no resurrection, no church, so sacraments, no hope. Her yes made this and more possible. We owe her a debt of gratitude.

Oh Mary our mother, thank you for your fiat. Thank you for allowing God to become man. Thank you for all that your yes has done for us. We have come to know you as a loving mother. And so we say thank you to your motherly love.


Day 25:

As we enter the 25th day of our preparation for consecration, we begin to reflect upon the need to consecrate ourselves to Mary. Let us start by realizing that God the Father entrusted his eternal son into the loving care of Our Lady. We could even go so far as to say that God the Son gave himself completely and unreservedly to her. In imitation of Jesus we also give ourselves to her. By doing this, we place, like Jesus, the totality of our lives into her loving and immaculate hands. When we do this, Our Lady in the most extraordinary way, begins to form us into the pattern of her most beloved son. When we give ourselves to Mary, we can say with Jesus, St Louis De Montfort and Pope St. John Paul II: “totus tuus maria” “totally yours Mary.”

Oh heavenly mother Mary remove all fear from my heart. Give me confidence in your love for me, so that I may be truly ready to give myself to you.

Day 26:

On our 26th day of our preparation for consecration, we consider ALL that we must give to Our Lady by means of this consecration. By giving the fullness of ourselves to Mary, St Louis De Montfort says that we become Our Lady’s heel that crushes the head of Lucifer. By accepting this Marian consecration, we commit ourselves receiving a twofold gift. The first is the reception of the grace to grow in personal holiness. In other words, Mary will obtain the grace of holiness. The second gift, is the grace to participate in Mary’s mission in making Christ know and loved in our world. Ultimately, our marian consecration makes us better equipped to fully participate in our lord’s command; “go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”

Oh Mary most holy mediate to me the grace of personal sanctification, holiness, so that I may more fully participate in making Jesus known and loved in the world.


Day 27:

On this 27th day of preparation for consecration, we once again return to all that we must give Our Lady. By our consecration we give to Mary all our prayers and petitions, and we ask her to give them to Jesus. We go through Mary because she knows how to ask Jesus much better than we do.

We also give Mary all our merits and graces. We want her to distribute these graces  

wherever she sees best. I may have one intention in mind, but Our Lady may know of a graver need. By giving them to her, she can distribute them where she knows best. Don’t worry! Our Lady will reward our generosity.

Oh Mary take my prayers and petitions and present them to Jesus. Pray as you know Jesus will hear you. Take all my graces and merits and distribute them where you see best.


Day 28:

On the 28th day of our preparation for total consecration to Mary, we look back to our promises at baptism. The promise to reject Satan and sin, the profession of faith, the promise to live our faith, and the promise to live as children of God. Marian consecration is a way of living our baptismal promises in a more intense manner.

At baptism, we were infused with the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. By our marian consecration, we begin to live these virtues in a heroic way. We imitate Mary’s, right faith, certain hope, and perfect charity, Our Lady will keep us from error, from despair and from all that would lead us away from loving God and neighbor. She will be our strong defense against the attacks of the evil one, and those who cooperate in the evil one’s plans against the church. Mary will hide us in her mantle and hold us in her arms. But she will lead us to live for Jesus.

Oh Mary, renew within me my baptismal promises. Help me to stay strong against evil and temptation. Help me to be bold and strong and charitable in professing my faith.


Day 29:

On this 29th day of preparation for total consecration, we reflect on the need we have for divine love of Jesus in our lives. Pope St. John Paul II once said had two great needs; “the need to love and the need to be loved.” God created us not only with the capacity to love but also with the ability to be loved. The love for which we are made is divine love. We are created for union with God, so the only love that will only satisfy, not disappoint, and not leave us is God’s love. He loves us and that love of God is revealed in Jesus Christ. It was the blessed virgin who allowed Gods love to become incarnate in our world, so by our marian consecration, she will make his love present in our hearts.

Oh blessed virgin our hearts are restless until they rest in Christ. Pour out the love of Jesus into our harts so that we may find rest and may finally find unconditional love.


Day 30:

On this 30th day of our preparation for concecration, we take a moment to reflect on the mission of the blessed virgin Mary. It remains her special to make Christ known and loved in our world. She revealed Jesus to the jewish sheperds, she revealed him to the pagan kings, and she revealed him to us all at the wedding feast of Cana. She is not only the first disciple of Jesus but she is also the greatest missionary. By our consecration to Mary, we will commit ourselves to the work of Mary. We will accept, in a more radical way, our mission to make Christ known and loved in the world. This is the work of Mary, it is the mission of the church, and we, by this consecration, will be more effective in living it out.

Oh Mary you desire that your son Jesus be known and loved in the world. I hereby give myself to you and pledge my life for the work that has been entrusted to you and the church.


Day 31:

On this 31st day of our preparation for consecration, we reflect on Mary’s fidelity to Christ and to the church. Of course, Mary was present to Jesus during his public ministry, but we sometimes fail to recall that Mary was just as present to the early church. After Jesus’s Ascension into heaven, Mary stayed with the apostle’s for those nine days as they awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit. As she was there at the birth of Jesus, the head of the church, so she was there at Pentecost when the body of Christ, the church was born. She is the mother of the church and exemplar of the church. As we consecrate ourselves ,we must be, like Mary, faithful to the church.

Oh Mary, in these times, so many have rejected the teachings of the church. Help us with this consecration to not only stay faithful to all her teachings even when we don’t understand, but also to teach, promote, and defend her.


Day 32:

Today is our 32nd day of preparation for total consecration. Today we turn our lives over to Mary. We are about to give her our bodies, our souls, our mind, our strength, our merits, graces and virtues, we are going to give her everything that God does or accomplishes through us. We hold back nothing for ourselves and nothing of ourselves. Our cry, as true son’s and daughter’s of Mary, should be “all for Mary, all for Jesus, all to Jesus, all through Mary!” This gift of ourselves that we give must be a true gift, a life gift. We don’t just give it for a day, a week, a season we make it for the rest of our lives. Because it won’t change in heaven, we can even say that we make this consecration forever. We should renew our consecration yearly or even daily, remembering that we no longer live for ourselves.

Oh Mary, we Jesus now! We live for you! All is given to you all is given to Jesus through you. Take all that I am and have and lead me as you and Jesus see best.


Day 33:

We have arrived at our 33rd day of preparation. As we await the moment of our consecration, let us renew within our hearts the fire of love for Jesus and Mary. Let us pray with simple words, childlike words: “Jesus love you, Mary I love you!” These are simple words, but they are true prayers/ prayers that summarize the whole of our consecration: “love.” Jesus said there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. By our consecration, we lay down our lives for love of Jesus. We lay down our lives for love of the blessed trinity. We lay down our lives for love of Mary, church, our neighbor, our enemies, for hardened sinners.

Oh Mary, on this last day of preparation I am ready to lay down my life take me I am yours bring me to Jesus!

Prayer of Total Consecration to Mary

Consecration of Oneself to Jesus Christ, Wisdom Incarnate,

Through the Hands of Mary

(St. Louis de Montfort’s Consecration Prayer)


Eternal and incarnate Wisdom, most lovable and adorable Jesus, true God and true man, only Son of the eternal Father and of Mary always Virgin, I adore you profoundly, dwelling in the splendor of your Father from all eternity, and in the virginal womb of Mary, your most worthy Mother, at the time of your Incarnation.

I thank you for having emptied yourself in assuming the condition of a slave to set me free from the cruel slavery of the evil one.

I praise and glorify you for having willingly chosen to obey Mary, your holy Mother, in all things, so that through her I may be your faithful slave of love.

But I must confess that I have not kept the vows and promises which I made to you so solemnly at my baptism. I have not fulfilled my obligations, and I do not deserve to be called your child or even your slave.

Since I cannot lay claim to anything except what merits your rejection and displeasure, I dare no longer approach the holiness of your majesty on my own. That is why I turn to the intercession and the mercy of your holy Mother, whom you yourself have given me to mediate with you. Through her I hope to obtain from you contrition and pardon for my sins, and that Wisdom whom I desire to dwell in me always.

I turn to you, then, Mary Immaculate, living tabernacle of God, in whom Eternal wisdom willed to receive the adoration of both men and angels.

I greet you as Queen of heaven and earth, for all that is under God has been made subject to your sovereignty.

I call upon you, the unfailing refuge of sinners, confident in your mercy that has never forsaken anyone.

Grant my desire for divine Wisdom and, in support of my petition, accept the promises and the offering of myself which I now make, conscious of my unworthiness.

I ___________________, an unfaithful sinner, renew and ratify today through you my baptismal promises. I renounce forever Satan, his empty promises, and his evil designs, and I give myself completely to Jesus Christ, the incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after Him for the rest of my life, and to be more faithful to Him than I have been till now.

This day, with the whole court of heaven as witness, I choose you, Mary, as my Mother and Queen. I surrender and consecrate myself to you, body and soul, as your slave, with all that I possess, both spiritual and material, even including the value of all my good actions, past, present, and to come. I give you the full right to dispose of me and all that belongs to me, without any reservations, in whatever way you please, for the greater glory of God in time and throughout eternity.


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