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Venerable Giacamo da Balduino, O.F.M. Cap.
Fr. Giacamo was recognized as Venerable, the second step towards sainthood. With two miracles verified, he can be declared a Blessed of the Church.

O'Lord, through the powerful intercession of Vn. Giacamo da Balduino we ask you to heart and answer the prayers we now bring before you...Amen.
Beniamino Filopn was born in Balduina San Urbano (Padua) on August 2, 1900. The Capuchin friar was vested in Bassano del Grappa Friary on September 28, 1922. He was ordained a priest in Venice on July 21, 1929, destined for Koper. After just over a year he was transferred to Udine. He stayed there from 1931 to 1947. Although suffering from a serious and annoying infirmity, he did not leave his penitents awaiting him in his confessional. Amazingly, Hewanted to die in Lourdes where he died on July 21, 1948. He is buried at the Lourdes cemetery where his tomb is constantly visited by so many pilgrims. The process started in Udine on 25 February 1984 and on July 21, 2001 the Positio was delivered. He is awaiting an earlier opinion on a supposed healing attributed to the Servant of God in order to begin the Diocesan Inquiry. The Consultori Theologi on 13 October 2016 give a favorable opinion. In September 2016, the Diocesan Inquiry began with a supposedly extraordinary healing attributed to the Servant of God. The first session of the Inquiry on the alleged miracle was set for 11 February 2017.
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