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Fr. David Mary Teaches a Class on
The History of the Franciscan Order

Class 1: 1226-1242
Class 1: The Early Developments of the Order
Years 1226-1239
In this class Fr David Mary discusses the struggles within and without the Order following the death of
Saint Francis.
Class 2: 1242 to Saint Bonaventure.
In this class Fr David Mary explains the developments and tensions that greatly affected the Order. Particularly he looks at the loss of the fidelity to the original charism.
Franciscan History Class 2
Franciscan Hstory Class 3
Class 3: The Generalate of Saint Bonaventure
In this class Fr David Mary discusses the Generalate of Saint Bonaventure and the direction of the Order set by the Seraphic Doctor.
Franciscan History Class 4
Class 4: The Spiritual Quarrel
In this class Fr David Mary looks at the division in the Order between the Spirituals and the community. He examines Joachimism and how it negatively affected the desired reform.
Franciscan History Class 5
Class 5: The Observant Reform Begins
In this class Fr David Mary explains the turmoil in both the Church and Order during the 14th century as well as the rise of the Observant Reform and all the factors that made it happen.
Franciscan History Class 6
Class 6: In this class Fr David Mary explains what lead up to the 1517 split of the Order of Friars Minor into two communities: The Observant Friars and the Conventual Friars. He distinguishes the difference between strict, moderate and laxed observance of the Franciscan Life.
Franciscan History Clas 7
Class 7: The Franciscan Influence part 1
In this class Fr David Mary begins to examine the many ways in which the Franciscan Friars have influenced both the Church and the world. In this class he focuses on the Franciscan contribution to the liturgy and papacy.
Franciscan History Class 8
Class 8: Devotions and Missions part 2
In this second part of the Franciscan influence on the world and the Church Fr David Mary examines popular devotions that began with the Franciscans. He also accounts the extraordinary work of the the Missionary Franciscans.
Franciscan History Class9
Class 9: Further Contributions and History Resources
In this class Fr David Mary continues to teach about other contributions that Franciscans have made upon the world and the Church. Also, he talks about various Franciscan Historical Texts that will assist any serious Franciscan Historian.
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