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Fr. David Mary Teaches a Class on
The Life and Times of St. Francis of Assisi

Class 1: Introduction o the Life of Saint Francis
Class 1:
Introduction to the Life of Saint Francis
Class 2:Introuction to the Early Franciscan Surces
Class 2:
Introduction to the Early
Franciscan Sources
Class 3: The Early Frnciscan Sourcs Part 2
Class 3:
The Early Franciscan Sources Part 2
Class 4: The Early Fanciscan Sources Part 3
Class 4:
The Early Franciscan
Sources Part 3
The History of Assisi
Class 5:
The History
of Assisi
Class 6: Te Social and Religious Climate of Saint Francis' Times
Class 6:
The Social and Religious Climate of Saint Francis' Times
Class 7: The Birth an Early Lie of Saint Francis
Class 7:
The Birth and Early Life
of Saint Francis
Class 8:The Early Life of Saint Francis
Class 8:
The Early Life of
Saint Francis
Class 9: The Conversion of Saint Franis
Class 9:
The Conversion of
Saint Francis
Clas 10: The Begnning of Saint Francis' Discernmnt
Class 10:
The Beginning of
Saint Francis' Discernment
Class 11 The Completion of Saint Francis' Discernment
Class 11:
The Completion of
Saint Francis' Discernment
Class 12: The Founding of the Orer of Friar Minor
Class 12:
The Founding of the
Order of Friars Minor
Class 13: The Approval of the Rule
Class 13:
The Approval of the
1209 Rule
Class 14:The Formatio of the Friars
Class 14:
The Formation of the Friars
Class 15: The Name of he Oder
Class 15:
The Name of the Order
and Early Changes
Clas 16: The Early Growth of the Order
Class 16:
The Early Growth
of the Order
Class 17: The Years 1212-121
Class 17:
The Years 1212-1215
Class 18: The Fourth Lateran Council and Saint Francis
Class 18:
The Fourth Lateran Council
and Saint Francis
Class 19: The Years 1217-1220
Class 19:
The Years 1217-1220
Class 20: The Years 1220-1221 and the Rule of 1221
Class 20:
The Years 1220-1221
and the Rule of 1221
Class 21: Rule of 1221
Class 21:
The Rule of 1221
Class 22: Years 122-1224
Class 22:
The Years 1222-1224
Class 23: The Death of Saint Francis
Class 23:
The Death of Saint Francis
and his
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