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The Life of Poor Clare Nuns
"Poor Clare Nuns of Alexandria"
"Our Vocation is a Great Gift"
"Our Way of Life"
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Poor Clare Monastery
"A Marvelous Place"
Poor Clare Nuns of Santa Barbara, Ca.
20/20 Reports on
Poor Clare Nuns of St. Louis
Poor Clare Nuns of Barhamsville, Va.
The Beauty of Poor Clare Life
Roswell, N.M.
"What is A Monastic Day?"
Capuchin Poor Clares
"Having A Simple Life"
Capuchin Poor Clares
Almo, Texas
Poor Clare Nuns of Gallway
"Poor Clares Around the World"
Poor Clare Colettines
"Our Poor Clare History"
Barhamsville, Va.
Sr. Colette Speaks about
"Eucharistic Adoration"
Poor Clare Nuns South Rapids
Report by WJON am 1240
Mother Mary Peter Marthaler
This is an old film about the Colettine Poor Clare Nuns of Assisi.
Actual black and white footage.
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