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Youth Retreat Talks
Youth Conferences
"Jesus never said 'Blessed are the Cool'...Be on FIRE for your faith!"
Click Below for Talks to Youth

Click Below for Retreat Examples
About Youth Retreats and Talks
For over 25 years Fr. David Mary has been a Popular Preacher of Youth Retreats and Conferences.
Fr. David Mary speaks to teens in a way that is funny, exciting, deep and rich in the Church's understanding of the Catholic Faith.
Fr. David Mary calls his form of youth evangelization: "The Incarnational Approach to Youth Ministry"
You come down to meet them where they are at and you raise them up!
Youth need to be told the truth; That they are loved by God onto death! That their life has meaning and purpose. That they have dignity that can not be taken from them because it is given by a God Who is Love!
Fr. David Mary does not water down the truths of Our Catholic Faith; He makes it understandable, reasonable and relational.
Topics for retreats range from "The Holy Spirit and the SEven Fold Gifts", "Who is Jesus?", "The Crucifixion of Jesus", "The Blessed Mother", "The Holy Eucharist", "Confession", "Chastity" and so much more.
Confirmation Retreats-High School Retreats-Eighth Grade Retreats/Junior High-Youth Conferences-Youth Speaking-Youth Group Talks-Vocation Talks-Youth Confessions
Each Retreat is designed with the Youth Leader or Confirmation Director to meet the needs of the group.
Is there a God: The Holy Trinity
"Is There A God?"

"Jesus: Liar, Lunatic or Lord?"

Jesus: Liar, Lunatic or Lord?
"Loved by God Onto Death!"

The Crucifixion: Loved Onto Death
Examples of Youth Retreats
Padre Umile is Interviewed at the 7th annual Youth Festival
Padre Umile speaks at a youth retreat
In His Presence 1 & 2
"In His Presence Retreat" Kalamazoo, M.I.
Ignite Retreat
"Ignite Retreat"
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